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10 Fundamental Coding Lessons to Learn from the Book 'Clean Code'.

Last Updated: 12th February, 2024

Bala Ganesh

Content Writer at almaBetter

Every code has a function. However, the perfection in keeping the code clean is what matters the most. Code is for the people and by the people - not for machines.

The success of a running program is proportional to the finesse of the programmer. Coding is bound to be clean and understandable. Through Clean Code, you will be introduced to the significance of a clean code that delivers sustainability, readability, and continuity. The book offers a wide collection of programming topics ranging from clean design tips and source code structure to code smells and tests.

As the title proposes, Clean Code serves as a distilled handbook for programmers who want to taste the flavor of a perfectly wrapped code. While many hail the inscriptions in the book as an exemplary blend of code presented in a novel narrative, Robert C Martin masterfully emphasizes the importance of writing code that is treated with common sense. So let’s take a look at the 10 fundamental coding lessons to learn from the book “Clean Code” to cement your journey as an aspiring programmer.

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1. There’s more to Coding than “Code-that-works” & “Code-that-doesn’t”

Attaining a perfectly working code does not complete the job of a real programmer. The book, ‘Clean Code’, severely condemns the complacency that comes from writing a working code. A code, at its finest form, not only functions well but also looks clean, readable, maintainable, and most preferably extendable. A code is never fully complete until it ticks off all the aforementioned parameters. A good programmer never settles on a working code. Writing code that is cohesive, pertinent, and easy to test is important. Although there are no certain parameters that deem a code clean & perfect a principled programmer will make sure to skim the standards of the best.

2. Clean over Creativity

Jargons can be a bit tricky. However, it is essential to understand the gist of each programming term. This is because the real success behind deciphering a complex problem-intrigued code lies in the non-complex, clear, and clean code that is relevant to others besides the writer/programmer - not an incisive one that pesters others. Real problem-solvers focus on providing a clear solution to a difficult problem because that’s where the true mastery of a programmer comes afloat.

3. The Art of Naming

Names need a certain degree of niftiness. While writing a code, the names must be relevant to the application and easily discernible through search. Using a long-descriptive name is always preferable over a short-cryptic name – a lifehack in the coding world. Always make meaningful distinctions and while naming variables, make sure they are not encoded. While naming conventions, for example, if you are writing about flights, the convention normally spreads across terms like aviation, boeing, turbines, air, etc…no matter what name you insert make sure the world Flight is consistent.

4. Building Connection

A code must communicate between readers and writers. In many circumstances, the writer will end up as the reader. Hence, it is important for the respective programmer to write code effectively without compromising the readability factor. Let your reader enjoy the anticipation and rightly serve without any shocking surprises in code. When a function or a class is anticipated in the code to perform certain actions, let’s not jeopardize the inaction or improper functioning of the variable. Clean Code is a code that has been through numerous corrections, revisits, pre-functions, refactoring, and above all following the principles. This process is famously known as The Boy Scout Rule; a programmer must always clean up the code better than they found - like an ideal boy scout.

5. DRY Principle (Don’t Repeat Yourself)

Whether it’s a component, function, or class, never repeat yourself. Programmers tend to go with the flow with minute sequences for example:

public void Go Play Basketball () { get dressed (); drive to ground (); play (); aim for basket (); }

public void Go to a mall() { get dressed(); play(); watch the film; } This is the kind of duplication that needs to be prevented.

6. Don’t Put Random Numbers

Random numbers are the magical numbers that appear on the code which doesn’t make sense instead of conveying some meaning. The reader cannot tell the difference because eventually, those are numbers/strings. If you are required to add a number, make sure to assign variables to those values for easy refactoring.

7. Small Functions

A function should never be more than 20 lines of code ~Robert C Martin

Small functions make your code crisp, attractive, and easy to debug. If in case the function requires, more splitting will do the job. Small, smaller, and smallest are the 3 maxims that every programmer should utter to themselves while writing. Additional tip: The same rule applies to the classes too.

8. Classes - One & Only Responsibility

Speaking of classes, a class must only have one responsibility. In a code, there should only be one reason for a class to change. When multiple reasons can change classes then the classes have much more on their plate than they can eat. Also, cohesion in classes is pretty crucial. Logics within a class must be seamlessly integrated.

9. No Comments

Comments should be minimized; eradicated if possible. If a programmer relies on a comment to explain the code, then it’s time for the programmer to clean the code using all the above rules. Note: This does not apply to comments that are part of a library’s documentation, nor technical comments of licensing.

10. Enjoy the process

Never let the rules or principles influence your concentration or impact your process. Understand the structure properly, know what you are doing, break the code into proper classes and functions, stay relevant with your goal and enjoy being a programmer because that’s why you are here.

To know more about the books similar to ‘Clean code’ that every coder should have in their library, read our recent blog: Top 4 Books that Every Programmer should have in their library.

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