Web Development

What is Abstraction in Java?

Last Updated: 22nd August, 2024

Jay Abhani

Senior Web Development Instructor at almaBetter

Learn abstraction in Java, including how to achieve it using abstract classes and interfaces, with examples that simplify complex systems and enhance code maintainability

Java, one of the most popular programming languages, offers various features that help developers write clean, efficient, and manageable code. One of these features is abstraction, a fundamental concept in object oriented programming (OOP). Abstraction in Java plays a crucial role in simplifying complex systems by breaking them down into more manageable pieces. This article will explore what is abstraction in Java, its significance, and how to implement it. We’ll also cover data abstraction in Java, providing an abstraction example in Java to illustrate the concept.

Understand Abstraction in Java

Abstraction is a process of hiding the implementation details from the user and only providing the essential functionalities. In other words, abstraction lets you focus on what an object does instead of how it does it. This concept is vital in Java as it allows developers to create more modular and maintainable code.

In Java, abstraction is achieved using abstract classes and interfaces. These constructs allow you to define methods without implementing them, forcing subclasses or implementing classes to provide the actual implementation. This approach ensures that different parts of your application can interact through a well-defined interface, even if the underlying implementation changes over time.

Example of Abstraction in Java

To better understand abstraction in Java, consider the example of a Vehicle class. Vehicles like cars, bikes, and trucks share common characteristics, such as the ability to start, stop, and accelerate. However, the way these actions are performed differs from one vehicle to another. By using abstraction, we can define a general Vehicle class with abstract methods that describe these actions without specifying how they are carried out.


In this abstraction example in Java, the 'Vehicle' class is an abstract class with three abstract methods: 'start()', 'stop()', and 'accelerate()'. The 'Car' and 'Bike' classes extend 'Vehicle' and provide their own implementations of these methods. This approach allows us to define the common behavior of all vehicles while allowing each specific type of vehicle to implement the behavior in its unique way.

Consider a simple class representing a bank account. The class has private fields for the account number and balance, and public methods to deposit and withdraw money.


In this abstraction program in Java, the 'BankAccount' class provides methods to deposit and withdraw money, and to check the balance. The internal details, such as how the balance is updated, are hidden from the user. The user only interacts with the object through the public methods provided, which is a clear example of data abstraction in action.

How to Achieve Abstraction in Java

Java provides two main mechanisms to achieve abstraction: abstract classes and interfaces. Both approaches serve the purpose of hiding implementation details and exposing only the essential functionalities, but they have some differences.

Abstract Classes

An abstract class in Java is a class that cannot be instantiated on its own and may contain abstract methods (methods without a body) as well as concrete methods (methods with a body). Abstract classes are useful when you want to provide a common base with some shared behavior, while leaving some methods to be implemented by subclasses.

Example of Abstract Class


In this example, 'Animal' is an abstract class with an abstract method 'makeSound()' and a concrete method 'sleep()'. The 'Dog' class extends 'Animal' and provides the implementation for 'makeSound()'. You cannot create an instance of 'Animal', but you can create an instance of 'Dog'.


An interface in Java is a reference type that can contain only constants, method signatures, default methods, static methods, and nested types. Interfaces cannot contain instance fields or constructors. They are implemented by classes, which provide the concrete behavior for the methods defined in the interface. Interfaces are a powerful tool for achieving multiple inheritance and defining contracts that classes must adhere to.

Example of Interface


In this abstraction example in Java, the 'Drawable' interface defines a contract with a single method 'draw()'. The 'Circle' and 'Rectangle' classes implement this interface and provide their own implementations of the 'draw()' method. This approach allows you to define a common behavior (drawing) for different shapes without worrying about their specific implementations.

Choosing Between Abstract Classes and Interfaces

When deciding whether to use an abstract class or an interface, consider the following guidelines:

Use an abstract class when you want to provide a common base with some shared behavior and leave some methods to be implemented by subclasses. An abstract class is ideal when you want to include non-abstract methods or instance variables that should be shared across all subclasses.

Use an interface when you want to define a contract that multiple classes can implement, potentially across different inheritance trees. Interfaces are ideal for achieving multiple inheritance and defining behavior that can be applied to various classes, even if they are not related.

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Benefits of Abstraction in Java

Abstraction in Java offers several benefits that contribute to the development of efficient and maintainable code:

1. Simplified Complexity: Abstraction reduces complexity by allowing developers to focus on what an object does rather than how it does it. This simplification makes it easier to understand and manage large systems.

2. Code Reusability: Abstract classes and interfaces allow for code reuse across different parts of an application. By defining common behavior in abstract classes or interfaces, developers can avoid duplicating code in multiple classes.

3. Modularity: Abstraction promotes modularity by enabling developers to design systems where components interact through well-defined interfaces. This modular approach makes it easier to maintain and update individual components without affecting the entire system.

4. Encapsulation: Abstraction works hand-in-hand with encapsulation by hiding the internal implementation details of an object and exposing only the necessary interface. This encapsulation protects the integrity of the data and ensures that it can only be accessed or modified in controlled ways.

5. Flexibility: By abstracting the implementation details, developers can change the underlying implementation without affecting the code that uses the abstracted interface. This flexibility makes it easier to adapt to changing requirements and improve the system over time.


In this article, we have explored what is abstraction in Java, data abstraction in Java, and how to achieve abstraction through abstract classes and interfaces. We have also provided abstraction examples in Java to illustrate these concepts in action. By understanding and applying abstraction in your Java projects, you can create more maintainable, flexible, and efficient software systems.

Java abstraction is not just a theoretical concept; it is a practical tool that helps developers manage complexity and build robust applications. Whether you are defining a common base for a group of related classes or enforcing a contract that multiple classes must adhere to, abstraction in Java is a key technique that every developer should master.

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