Data Science

Climate Change - How can Data Science help it?

Last Updated: 12th October, 2023

Bala Ganesh

Content Writer at almaBetter

There is no alternative for the Earth. We are all tenants who mutually share one spherical phenomenon called the planet earth, entrusted with the responsibility of passing it on to posterity.

Technology is a mysterious box full of surprises and one such big surprise that took over the world by a storm is Data Science. Data science is the dawn of many miraculous innovations that render the understanding of myriad complications. Since the evolution of technology, Data Science has served as a multifaceted solution for many complex issues, tracking progress and data analysis. Nonetheless, Data Science may not be the optimal last-man-standing to leap from the cascading climate change. Still, it sure helps tackle the cataclysmic challenges that pose a threat to the climate and serves as a virtual companion to study the vulnerability of the Earth on a comprehensive level.

Data Science: How can it help climate change?

Technology may not serve as a catalytical solution for every human-driven problem but it sure does help in analyzing, comprehending, and assessing the imminent threats that keep the planet at risk. To begin with, Climate Science has seen a massive influx of data that keeps growing with time from across the world. The real challenge now lies in the effective understanding of the colossal datasets to implement counter solutions on cue which is equivalent to harpooning the sky at once. That’s where Data Science fills in the shoes as the virtual companion to provide cognitive detail to counter-attack those abysmal challenges at the right time without any mishaps.

According to a study conducted by NASA Technical reports Server, there is an unfillable void that needs some futuristic intervention in publishing the massive data accumulation and the need for scientific assessment of such a large bevy of data under minimal time with significant results. Through Data science, companies can now unveil the complicated section of data without compromising the intricate details and provide comprehensible briefs that can help generate optimal solutions to tackle climate change.

Here are the ways that Data Science can help climate change:

Planet Earth 2.0: Planet Earth 2.0 is an ambitious digital replica of the planet Earth comprising virtual air, life, land, and water with natural equivalence to help monitor and study the health of Earth on a regular basis. Famously known as Destination Planet led by European Union, planet 2.0 is manifested with a singular motive: to care for the Earth & to stimulate natural activities.

The mammoth digital planet model is designed to monitor, capture, and analyze the data unremittingly to accurately forecast natural, catastrophic disasters (like heavy rains, earthquakes, droughts, etc.) and maintain a tab on climate change on a daily basis. Within 7-10 years DestinE aspires to provide analytic data to organizations, science institutes, and other activists with data to fortify the efforts to aid climate change prominently under any given scenario.

Fortifying Scientific Research at NASA: NASA is the universal hub of scientific data that evaluates virtually everything related to the Earth. And in a recent report, NASA emphasized the gaping growth of data at a geometric level with a staggering 100 petabytes of Earth’s scenic imagery along with the constant effect of human activity on earth. To make the most of Data Science’s computing prowess, NASA is combining AI with machine learning to provide pragmatic solutions to scientists. The works of Data Science also contribute to the detection of landslides, management of reservoirs, and life expectancy prediction. The policy, predictions, and data analysis techniques provide the most influential resources to forecast the capriciousness of the planet and will serve as a handbook in the near future.

Data Science to Cleanse Oceans: AI for Earth is a revolutionizing initiative by Microsoft that provides employees the access to Machine learning and AI technology with a motive to augment the Earth-saving activities involving agriculture, oceans, and biodiversity. One such unilateral initiative focuses solely on Ocean Cleanup whilst creating favorable conditions for marine creatures, and hampering the marine life-killing plastics alongside other imperative contributions to the ocean world.

With Data Science and AI in the picture, the process of discerning plastic by-products, debris, and contamination wastage from zillions of satellite pictures become seamlessly easy through integrating identification software into the self-functioning machine that precisely targets the ocean deterrents for good.

Man with Nature: Data Science provides a conclusive solution to everything that’s deemed artificial. And the pioneering interpretations of Data science utilization rightfully substantiate the aforementioned assertion. Parks and communal areas play a huge role in maintaining the balance of society, cohesion, serenity, and promoting socialization in communities. With Data Science’s meticulous analysis of data, organizations can now actively analyze the impact of Parks and Recreation services on communities. The incorporation of Data Science into studying the communities with the help of consolidated mobile data, urban designers, and TPL will not only reinvigorate the dwindling attraction but also help improve the socio-economic conditions in specific localities.

Mobilizing-Made-Easy with Data: Electric Vehicles are on a roll! And the future is in favor of those that seem compassionate towards nature. They are on the move to compensate for the damage done due to carbon emission gases. This stays pertinent even if we take electricity into consideration. The directions/GPS navigation systems, manual or automated driving, the study of driving patterns, and other essential innovations in the automation industry are cardinal areas where AI plays a crucial role. Many innovations like AI’s application to electric vehicle improvements, EV charging station facilitation, and EV integration with smart grid will promote the adoption of electric vehicles and open a new eco-driving pathway, assisting in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Data Science will serve as a catalyst contributor including business and non-business sectors and the potential only exudes how the future will be benefited from the implementation of Data Science. Many capstone projects demonstrate how the inclusion of Data Science will massively pave the path for much more organic innovations that beget good deeds. Data analysis plays an irreplaceable role in fighting pollution, especially among urban elites, and to monitor land and sea transformations. There is no subtle prediction of how Data Science can influence the future in the coming days to overcome challenges in various fields.

To excel in the world’s most revolutionary Data Science technology and to contribute to the planet’s well-being, enroll in AlmaBetter’s Full Stack Data Science Program with 100% placement guarantee.

Read our blog on the Impact of Blockchain on the Environment.

To read our informative blog on Getting Started with Random Variables for Data Science, click here.

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