Data Science

Data Science - A New Contributor to Mental Health

Last Updated: 19th May, 2023

Bala Ganesh

Content Writer at almaBetter

Mental health is a volatile mixture of psychological, emotional, and practical well-being that influences how we think and act. No matter how hard we emphasize it, there is ...

Unfortunately, a significant portion of people suffering from mental instability hesitate to undergo treatment due to the negative stigma around it. However, due to the recurring pandemic and the parallel shifting of working models, the conversation around mental awareness has become more concentrated and less stigmatised. COVID-19 really shed a light on the importance of mental health and stimulated people to seek help to battle the pressure.

According to a 2019 SAMHSA survey, one out of every five people suffers from mild mental illness. Additionally, it is essential to acknowledge that mental illness is not limited to adults. Recently, the National Alliance on Mental Illness reported that 50% of chronic mental illnesses begin at 14. Surprisingly, a staggering percentage of people avoid seeking treatments for various reasons. One such reason is the lack of personalized care. This is where Data Science acts as an ally; by providing personalized care for the unhesitant ones. Mental illness stems from an unpredictable pattern that is humanely hard to discern. With the use of Data Science, these partners can be immediately identified through a large set of data. Many researchers also claimed that Data Science can permanently put an end to the trials and errors in medication required to properly diagnose the condition. Data Science had already developed an endearing presence in the healthcare sector by aiding medical professionals in providing an effective diagnosis.

How does Data Science improve mental health?

Research: The large set of data offers researchers adequate information on what sort of effect mental health has on a specific region or country. By gaining legitimate information supported by secured data, medical professionals or government bodies can estimate the future outcomes and effects to strategically plan their moves. When the effects are quantified, it becomes easier for medical professionals to acquire more resources from governments to contribute to mental healthcare and treatment. These laudable measures like early diagnosis, personalized care, and preventive measures facilitate better clinical outcomes in the future.

Identifying Patterns:
Apart from its current contributions, there is still much to be discovered about how Data Science can improve mental health. Data Scientists across the world are focusing largely on implementing machine learning to process large sets of data with the hope of detecting patterns. These patterns can be compared with recorded cases to identify and predict signs and symptoms of early mental illness. These early predictions can help medical professionals provide more effective treatment and medication in the course of a diagnosis.

Preventive Measures: Data Science has already made a significant impact on suicide prevention measures. As machine learning identifies mutating symptoms, it becomes easier for hotlines to intervene earlier with people who are at risk of self-harm or suicidal ideation. Many counseling sessions and helplines are working relentlessly to act on cue on such predictions to completely avoid any harm.

Debunks Stigma: Data Science operates inconspicuously and offers more personalized care. These types of measures will encourage people suffering from mental health issues to seek help without having to open up and ask for it. Data has a way of finding inner conflict through patterns and signs. Research depicts that patients with insecurities about conversing with therapists are significantly more comfortable letting down their guard with AI-powered tools. This, coupled with lower cost, helps AI tools with diagnosis, speedy treatment, and improving clinical outcomes.

Self-care: The best and most disruptive thing achieved by Data Science in mental health care is its ability to distinguish and discern individuals through AI-powered tools who are capable of self-treating themselves without having to seek health providers. This initiative collectively promotes insecure individuals to self-treat and also builds an alternative personality that can shape strong character traits capable of overcoming depression.

Conclusion: Self-care starts from within. It is neither to be ignored nor underestimated in any circumstance, especially in mental health. The data science technology is large enough to cater to every requirement that can be of assistance at your convenience. It is a gift that needs to be unwrapped to charm up the space. Data Science is capable of reenergizing the healthcare sector with its on-demand mental health resources and irreplaceable data power.

There are no limits as to what Data Science can achieve in mental healthcare in the future. Similarly, there shouldn’t be any limits to you advancing your career with Data Science. Check out AlmaBetter’s Full Stack Data Science program to become an integral part of the tech world with a 100% placement guarantee.

Read our recent blog on Data Science vs. COVID-19: The fight against the pandemic.

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