Data Science

Google Bard Waitlist is live

Last Updated: 22nd May, 2023

Vibha Gupta

Technical Content Writer at almaBetter

With the generative AI boom, the Google Bard Waitlist has been made live for users to sign up. Google Bard is an assistive AI chatbot, like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, that will respond to human conversations

With the generative AI boom, the Google Bard Waitlist has been made live for users to sign up. Google Bard is an assistive AI chatbot, like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, that will respond to human conversations and possess multiple advanced technical abilities like generating texts and editing.

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How to join the Google Bard waitlist?

Here is a step-by-step guide to joining the Google Bard waitlist.

  • Visit the Google Bard homepage.
  • Click on the “Join Waitlist” button located in the left corner of the page.
  • Sign in to your Google account when prompted. You can register as a new user if you do not have a Google account.
  • Accept the terms and conditions, and you have joined the waitlist.

You will receive an email once you are eligible to use Google Bard.

What is Google Bard?

You must have used ChatGPT by now. Bard is Google’s experimental conversational AI chat platform. It is intended to function similarly to ChatGPT, with the main distinction being that Google’s service will obtain its information from the web.

CEO Sundar Pichai announced Google Bard on Feb 6, 2023. It is powered by Google’s LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications).

How does Bard work?

LaMDA is based on Transformer, Google’s neural network architecture that it designed and publicly released in 2017. According to Google, GPT-3, the language model on which ChatGPT operates, was also created on Transformer.

According to the announcement, the initial version of Bard will employ a lightweight model version of LaMDA because it takes less computer power and can be scaled to many people. In addition to LaMDA, Bard will use all available web information to deliver responses. Pichai stated that utilizing the web would deliver “new, high-quality solutions.”

The use of LaMDA stands in stark contrast to the majority of AI chatbots now in use, notably ChatGPT and Bing Chat, which employ an LLM in the GPT series.


Since Bard is now open to the public to join the waitlist, it will grant access to limited users in the US and UK on a rolling basis. This will help Google collect early user feedback to improve the AI chatbot.

Do you want to build your own chatbot? Then, join AlmaBetter’s Data Science online course and create amazing chatbots and recommendation systems.

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