Data Science

How to Create CSV File in Python?

Last Updated: 10th October, 2023

Harshini Bhat

Data Science Consultant at almaBetter

Learn how to create CSV file in Python, a data storage format, with easy-to-follow code examples and step-by-step instructions to read and write CSV files.

How to write in CSV file in Python? In the world of data handling, CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files shine as a versatile and widely recognized file format. CSV files provide a structured means of storing tabular data, offering a simple yet powerful way to represent information in rows and columns. They serve as the bedrock for data exchange, storage, and analysis, making them an indispensable tool for data professionals, scientists, and analysts.

In this comprehensive guide, we will look into the intricacies of creating CSV files using Python, one of the most popular programming languages for data manipulation and understand how to write a CSV file in python. By the end of this article, you'll have a solid understanding of how to harness Python's capabilities to craft, manage, and optimize CSV files for a variety of data-related tasks. Now let’s understand how to create a CSV file in Python/ how to write CSV file in Python in detail.

Creating a CSV File in Python

Step 1: Opening a CSV File

Opening a CSV File is the first step towards creating one. It's crucial because it allows us to prepare the file for writing.

In Python, we use the open() function to handle file operations. To create a new CSV file or overwrite an existing one, we open it in writing mode ('w').


Step 2: Creating a CSV Writer

To write data into a CSV file, we need a CSV writer object. In Python, we achieve this using the csv module.

The csv.writer() function serves this purpose. It allows us to create a writer object that can put data into our CSV file efficiently.


Step 3: Writing Data to the CSV File

After opening a CSV file and creating a CSV writer object, the next step is to write data into the file. The csv module provides two fundamental methods for this purpose:

writerow(): This method is used to write a single row of data to the CSV file. You pass the data as a list, and it will be written as one row.


writerows(): This method is employed to write multiple rows of data to the CSV file. You provide a list of lists, where each inner list represents a row of data.


CSV writer methods offer flexibility and versatility when it comes to data formatting. You can easily customize how data is written, making them suitable for a wide range of CSV file creation tasks.

Step 4: Closing the CSV File

Closing a file after writing is a crucial step in file handling. It ensures that all changes are saved properly and resources are freed. In Python, you can manually close a file using the close() method, but a more convenient and safer way is to use the with keyword, which automatically handles file closure.


Using with ensures that the file is closed properly, even if an error occurs during writing. It simplifies your code and reduces the risk of resource leaks.

CSV Module Functions in Python

The csv module in Python offers essential functions and constants for CSV file manipulation. You can use it to write to CSV file Python efficiently, creating or appending data as needed. Additionally, it supports read and write CSV file in Python, providing the flexibility required for data manipulation, analysis, and reporting tasks.  Let's explore some of the key ones:

csv.field_size_limit: This function returns the maximum field size allowed by the CSV parser. It helps you determine the maximum size of a field that can be read from a CSV file.


csv.get_dialect: This function returns the dialect associated with a given name. Dialects define CSV formatting patterns, such as delimiters and quoting rules.


csv.list_dialects: It returns a list of names for all registered dialects. Dialects are useful for consistent handling of CSV files with specific formatting.


csv.reader: This function is used to read data from a CSV file. It returns a reader object that can be used to iterate through rows of the CSV file.


csv.register_dialect: It associates a custom dialect with a name. You can define your own dialects to handle specific CSV file formatting.


csv.writer: This function writes data to a CSV file. It returns a writer object that can be used to write data to the file.


csv.unregister_dialect: It deletes a dialect associated with a name from the dialect registry. Use this function to remove custom dialects when they are no longer needed.


csv.QUOTE_ALL, csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC, csv.QUOTE_NONE: These constants specify different quoting behaviors for CSV files. They determine whether and how data should be enclosed in quotes when written to a CSV file.

csv.QUOTE_ALL: Quotes all fields.

csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL: Quotes only fields containing special characters.

csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC: Quotes non-numeric fields.

csv.QUOTE_NONE: Never quotes fields.


These functions and constants from the csv module provide essential tools for working with CSV files in Python, allowing you to tailor your CSV file handling to specific needs and formats.

How to Open a CSV File in Python

When working with CSV files in Python, there are two common methods to open and read the data:

1. Using the CSV Module:

The csv module is a built-in Python library that provides a straightforward way to read data from CSV files. It allows you to process data row by row, making it suitable for large datasets.


Scenario: Use this method when you need to read and process CSV data row by row, especially for larger datasets where memory efficiency is crucial.

2. Leveraging the Pandas Library:

The Pandas library is a powerful data manipulation and analysis tool in Python. It offers a simple way to read CSV data into a DataFrame, which is a tabular data structure. Let’s take a look at how to write CSV file in python pandas.


Scenario: Choose this method when you plan to perform extensive data analysis, transformation, and manipulation on your CSV data. Pandas simplifies many data-related tasks.

How to Close a CSV File in Python

Properly closing a CSV file after reading or writing is essential to prevent data corruption and resource leaks.

The Need for Proper File Closure:

Data Integrity: Closing a file ensures that all pending changes are saved to disk, preventing data loss or corruption.

Resource Management: Closing files releases system resources and prevents memory leaks, making your code more efficient.

Closing a CSV File Opened with the open() Method:

If you open a file using the open() method, you should explicitly close it using the close() method.


Convenience of the with Keyword:

Alternatively, you can use the with keyword for automatic file closure. This ensures that the file is closed properly, even if an error occurs during file handling.


Scenario: Always close files properly to maintain data integrity and ensure efficient resource management in your Python programs.

Additional Examples

Creating CSV Files with Custom Delimiters

You can create CSV files with custom delimiters, such as '|' or '\t' (tab), by specifying the delimiter parameter when creating the CSV writer object:


To handle CSV files with quoted fields, specify the quoting parameter when creating the CSV writer object. For example, using csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL:


Utilizing Dialects to Specify Formatting Patterns

Dialects in the csv module allow you to specify unique formatting patterns for CSV files. You can define and use custom dialects for consistent handling:


These additional examples illustrate the versatility of working with CSV files in Python, including custom delimiters, handling quoted fields, and using custom dialects for specific formatting patterns.


Mastering CSV file handling in Python empowers data professionals and analysts to navigate the world of data with confidence and efficiency. It's a skill that unlocks the potential of data, enabling its transformation into valuable insights and informed decisions. As you embark on your data journey, remember that practice and exploration are key to becoming a proficient data handler.

One crucial aspect of working with CSV files is knowing how to write in CSV files Python. This skill allows you to not only read and manipulate data but also to store and share your findings effectively.

Apply what you've learned i.e. write into CSV file Python or write data to CSV file in Python or reading and writing CSV files in Python, try experimenting with diverse datasets, and continue your quest to become a skilled data practitioner. With Python's CSV handling capabilities at your fingertips, you have the tools to extract meaning from data and contribute to a data-driven world.

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