Data SciencePython

How to Print Hello World in Python

Last Updated: 2nd November, 2024

Arunav Goswami

Data Science Consultant at almaBetter

Learn how to print Hello World in Python with this guide. Learn code examples, functions, variables, and tips to effectively print Hello World in Python

The "Hello, World!" program is a simple script that displays the text "Hello, World!" on the screen. It is often the first program written by beginners when they start learning a new programming language. Writing this program in Python is straightforward, thanks to its intuitive syntax. In this article, we will explore how to create a "Hello, World!" program in Python, discuss various ways to print "Hello, World!" using functions, and share multiple examples to understand how Python handles this basic task.

Why Start with "Hello, World!"?

The "Hello, World!" program is a starting point for learning any programming language because it:

  • Introduces the basic syntax of the language.
  • Demonstrates how to print text to the screen.
  • Serves as a quick way to confirm that your Python environment is set up correctly.

Let's dive into the Python "Hello, World!" program and see how simple it can be to write your first piece of code.

Writing a Basic Hello World Program in Python

The simplest way to write a "Hello, World!" program in Python is by using the print() function. Here's how:

Code Example

print("Hello, World!")


In this example:

  • print() is a built-in function in Python used to output text to the screen.
  • The text "Hello, World!" is enclosed within double quotes, indicating that it is a string.
  • When you run this code, Python displays the output: Hello, World!.

This is how easy it is to write the most basic Python program.

How to Print Hello World in Python Using Function

We can also print "Hello, World!" using a custom function. Functions allow us to create blocks of code that can be reused multiple times throughout a program. Here's an example of a function that prints "Hello, World!".

Code Example

def hello_world():
    print("Hello, World!")



In this example:

  1. We define a function named hello_world using the def keyword.
  2. Inside the function, we use the print() statement to output "Hello, World!".
  3. We call the hello_world() function, which executes the code inside the function and prints the text.

Different Ways to Print Hello World in Python

Using Single Quotes

Python allows you to use single quotes to represent strings. Here's an example:

print('Hello, World!')

Using Triple Quotes

Triple quotes can be used to span a string across multiple lines or for multi-line comments, but they can also be used to print a simple string:

print("""Hello, World!""")

Using f-Strings

Introduced in Python 3.6, f-Strings provide a way to format strings in a concise and readable manner. Here's how you can use them to print "Hello, World!":

message = "Hello, World!"

Using String Concatenation

You can concatenate strings using the + operator:

print("Hello, ""World!")

Using Variables

You can store "Hello, World!" in a variable and then print it:

greeting = "Hello, World!"

Using a Loop

You can use a loop to print "Hello, World!" multiple times:

for _ in range(3):
    print("Hello, World!")

This code prints "Hello, World!" three times.

Hello World Python Code Examples

Below are several other examples of "Hello, World!" programs to demonstrate how to print "Hello, World!" using different techniques.

Hello World Program Using with Conditional Statements

Adding conditions allows the program to make decisions before printing "Hello World".

if is_hello:
    print("Hello, World!")
    print("Goodbye, World!")

Hello World with User Input

You can also prompt the user to enter a greeting and then display it:

user_greeting = input("Enter your greeting: ")

Hello World Using a Class

Python supports object-oriented programming. Here's how you can use a class to print "Hello, World!":

class HelloWorld:
    def display_message(self):
        print("Hello, World!")

hw = HelloWorld()

Hello World with Exception Handling

You can use exception handling to ensure your code runs smoothly, even in unexpected scenarios:

    print("Hello, World!")
except Exception as e:
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

Hello World in Python Using Lambda Function

You can use a lambda function to print "Hello, World!" in one line:

(lambda: print("Hello, World!"))()

How to Run Hello World Python Program

To run your Python "Hello, World!" program:

  1. Using an IDE: Open an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like PyCharm, VS Code, or Thonny. Create a new Python file, write your code, and press the Run button.
  2. Using the Terminal: Save your code in a file with a .py extension, for example, Open the terminal and type:
    Copy code
  3. Using an Online Interpreter: Visit an online Python compiler, paste your code into the editor, and run it to see the output.

Common Errors in a Python Hello World Program

While writing a simple program like "Hello, World!", beginners may encounter a few common errors:

1. Syntax Error: Forgetting the parentheses around print in Python 3.

  • Incorrect: print "Hello, World!"
  • Correct: print("Hello, World!")

2. Python 2 allowed print without parentheses, but in Python 3, parentheses are required.

3. Indentation Errors: Python relies on indentation (spaces or tabs) to define code blocks. If you define a function but don't indent the print() statement inside the function, Python will raise an error:

def greet():
print("Hello, World!"# This line should be indented.

Why Python for "Hello, World!"?

Python is popular among beginners due to its readability and simplicity. It has a clean syntax that closely resembles the English language, making it easier to learn compared to other programming languages. Writing a "Hello, World!" program in Python only requires a single line of code, demonstrating how Python eliminates unnecessary complexity.

Recommended Articles for Further Reading


Printing "Hello, World!" in Python is a great way to start learning the language. It provides a basic understanding of syntax, functions, and printing to the console. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, this simple program lays the foundation for writing more complex applications in Python. By exploring the various ways to print "Hello, World!", you get a glimpse of Python's flexibility and powerful features.

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