Web Development

Markdown Cheat Sheet (Markdown Cheat Sheet with Examples)

Last Updated: 23rd December, 2024

Jay Abhani

Senior Web Development Instructor at almaBetter

Master Markdown with our markdown cheat sheet! Learn essential syntax, top formatting tips, and editor recommendations to streamline your content creation

Markdown is a lightweight markup language designed to format text in a simple and readable way. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned user, this Markdown Cheat Sheet will help you unlock the full potential of Markdown for writing documents, creating websites, or enhancing your coding projects.

What is Markdown?

Markdown is a plain-text formatting syntax that makes your documents easy to write and read. Its simplicity and versatility have made it popular among writers, developers, and content creators.

  • Key Uses: Documentation, blogging, technical writing, and more.
  • Advantage: Converts to HTML easily and is compatible with various platforms.

Why Use Markdown?

Here’s why Markdown is popular among professionals:

  • Simplicity: Easy to learn and use.
  • Portability: Works across platforms and tools.
  • Readability: Clean and human-readable even in plain text.
  • Flexibility: Converts to HTML, PDF, or other formats with ease.
  • Versatility: Ideal for note-taking, documentation, blogging, and content management.

Getting Started with Markdown Editors

Markdown files are saved with the .md or .markdown extension and can be edited in any text editor. However, using a dedicated Markdown editor enhances your experience.

Popular Markdown Editors

Here’s a quick markdown editor cheat sheet:

  • VS Code: Add the Markdown All in One extension for preview and shortcuts.
  • Obsidian: Ideal for linking notes and organizing content.
  • Typora: Offers live preview and WYSIWYG editing.
  • Dillinger: A browser-based Markdown editor.
  • StackEdit: Web-based with collaboration features.

Basic Text Formatting

Use this Markdown Formatting Cheat Sheet to get started:


Create headings using the # symbol:

# H1
## H2
### H3





Bold, Italics and Strikethrough

  • Bold: **text** or __text__ → text
  • Italics: *text* or _text_ → text
  • Strikethrough: text → text

Inline Text Styling

  • Highlight inline code with backticks: `code` → code.
`This is inline code.`

Lists in Markdown

Unordered Lists

Use -, *, or + for bullet points:

- Item 1
- Item 2
  - Subitem 2.1
  - Subitem 2.2


  • Item 1
  • Item 2
    • Subitem 2.1
    • Subitem 2.2

Ordered Lists

Use numbers followed by a period:

1. Step one
2. Step two
  1. Sub-step two.1
  2. Sub-step two.2


  1. Step one
  2. Step two
    1. Sub-step two.1
    2. Sub-step two.2


Basic syntax for hyperlinks:

[Text to display](URL)


Embed images using this syntax:

![Alt text](Image URL)


Markdown tables make data display easy:

| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
| Data 1   | Data 2   | Data 3   |
| Data A   | Data B   | Data C   |


Column 1Column 2Column 3
Data 1Data 2Data 3
Data AData BData C


Highlight quotes using >:

> This is a blockquote.
> It can span multiple lines.


This is a blockquote.
It can span multiple lines.

Horizontal Rules

Use three or more -, *, or _ for a horizontal line:


Markdown in Editors

Markdown can be used in text editors and IDEs for enhanced productivity. Here are some Markdown Editor Cheat Sheet highlights:

Popular Markdown Editors

  • VS Code: Supports Markdown preview with extensions.
  • Obsidian: Great for note-taking.
  • Typora: Offers live preview and easy formatting.

Editor Tips

  • Enable syntax highlighting for better readability.
  • Use extensions like Markdown All in One for shortcuts.


  • VS Code: Ctrl+Shift+V for Markdown preview.
  • Typora: Auto-format as you type.


  • Markdown Lint: Catch formatting errors.
  • Markdown Table Formatter: Align tables automatically.

Export Options

  • Convert Markdown to PDF, HTML, or DOCX using tools like Pandoc.

Pro Tips for Markdown Efficiency

  • Use Shortcuts: Learn editor-specific shortcuts for faster writing.
  • Embed HTML: Extend Markdown with raw HTML when needed.
  • Use Extensions: For example, Markdown Preview Enhanced in VS Code improves productivity.
  • Leverage Templates: Create reusable templates for frequent document types.
  • Combine Formatting: Mix bold and italics: ***bold and italic*** → bold and italic
  • Escape Characters: Use a backslash (\) to display reserved symbols:
\*Not italicized\*  
  • Custom HTML: Embed raw HTML for advanced formatting when Markdown syntax is insufficient.
  • Reusable Templates: Save frequently used Markdown structures as templates.


Markdown is an essential tool for anyone dealing with text formatting. This Markdown Cheat Sheet has covered everything from basic syntax to advanced features, ensuring you can write clean, structured content for any purpose. Coupled with the right editor from our markdown editor cheat sheet, you’ll have all the tools you need to create stunning, readable documents effortlessly. Explore Markdown, experiment with its capabilities, and make it a cornerstone of your workflow!

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