
F Distribution: Properties, Applications, Examples

Last Updated: 10th October, 2023

The F-Distribution is a probability distribution that is commonly used in statistical analysis. It arises when comparing the variances of two normal populations. In this article, we will explore the definition, properties, and applications of the F-Distribution.

Definition and Properties of the F-Distribution

The F-Distribution is a continuous probability distribution that has a non-negative range of values. It is a ratio of two independent chi-square distributions, each divided by their degrees of freedom. The F-Distribution has two parameters, the numerator degrees of freedom (df1) and the denominator degrees of freedom (df2). The probability density function (PDF) of the F-Distribution is given by:

f(x) = ((df1/2) * (df2/2)) / (B((df1/2), (df2/2))) * (x^((df1/2) - 1)) * ((1 + (df1*x/df2))^(-(df1+df2)/2))

where B is the Beta function, which is defined as:

B(x,y) = (gamma(x) * gamma(y)) / gamma(x+y)

where gamma is the gamma function.

The mean and variance of the F-Distribution are given by:

Mean = df2 / (df2 - 2) (when df2 > 2)
Variance = (2 * (df2^2) * (df1 + df2 - 2)) / (df1 * (df2 - 2)^2 * (df2 - 4)) (when df2 > 4)

The shape of the F-Distribution depends on the degrees of freedom. As the degrees of freedom increase, the distribution becomes more symmetrical and approaches a normal distribution.

Derivation of the F-Distribution

The F-Distribution can be derived by taking the ratio of two independent chi-square distributions divided by their degrees of freedom. Let X1 and X2 be two independent chi-square distributed random variables with degrees of freedom df1 and df2, respectively. Then the ratio

F = (X1/df1) / (X2/df2) 

follows an F-Distribution with df1 and df2 degrees of freedom.

Applications of the F-Distribution in Statistics

  • The F-Distribution is commonly used in statistical analysis to compare the variances of two populations.
  • For example, it can be used in analysis of variance (ANOVA) to test for differences in means of three or more groups.
  • It can also be used in regression analysis to test the overall significance of a regression model, or to compare the variances of the residuals for two or more models.

Relationship with other Probability Distributions

  • The F-Distribution is related to other probability distributions, such as the chi-square and t-distributions.
  • The chi-square distribution is used to test for differences in variances of a single population, while the t-distribution is used for testing differences in means of a single population.
  • The F-Distribution can also be related to the beta distribution, as the beta distribution is used to model the proportions or probabilities of events, while the F-Distribution is used to model the ratio of two variances.

Hypothesis Testing using the F-Distribution

Hypothesis testing using the F-Distribution involves comparing the test statistic (F-statistic) to a critical value based on the degrees of freedom and significance level. The F-statistic is calculated as the ratio of two sample variances, and the degrees of freedom are based on the sample sizes and the number of groups being compared. If the F-statistic is greater than the critical value, then we reject the null hypothesis and conclude tthat the means of the populations are significantly different from each other.

Suppose we want to compare the effectiveness of three different treatments for a medical condition. We randomly assign 20 patients to each treatment and measure their recovery time. We can use ANOVA with the F-distribution to test whether there is a significant difference in the means of the recovery times for the three treatments.

The null hypothesis is that the means of the recovery times for the three treatments are equal, and the alternative hypothesis is that they are not equal. We can use the F-test to determine whether we have sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis.

The F-statistic for ANOVA is calculated by dividing the between-group variance by the within-group variance. The between-group variance measures the variation in the means of the groups, while the within-group variance measures the variation within each group.

The degrees of freedom for the between-group variance are equal to the number of groups minus one, and the degrees of freedom for the within-group variance is equal to the total sample size minus the number of groups. The total degrees of freedom is equal to the total sample size minus one.

If the F-statistic is greater than the critical value from an F-table or a statistical software, then we can reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the means of the recovery times for the three treatments are not equal.

Limitations and Assumptions of the F-Distribution:

  • Like any statistical method, the F-distribution has its limitations and assumptions. One important presumption is that the information must be normally distributed.
  • In case the information isn't normally distributed, we may need to utilize a diverse dispersion or change the information before utilizing the F-distribution.
  • Another presumption is that the fluctuations of the populaces being compared are equal.
  • In the event that the fluctuations are not equal, we may got to utilize a altered adaptation of the F-test called the Welch's test.

Real-World Examples of the F-Distribution:

  • The F-distribution has numerous real-world applications. For example, it is used in finance to test whether the variances of stock returns are equal across two or more portfolios.
  • It is also used in engineering to test the effectiveness of different manufacturing processes by comparing the variances of the outcomes.
  • Additionally, the F-distribution is used in biostatistics to compare the variances of health outcomes across different treatments or interventions.

Comparison with Other Probability Distributions:

  • The F-distribution is closely related to the chi-square distribution and the t-distribution.
  • The chi-square distribution is used in hypothesis testing and confidence intervals for the variance of a single population.
  • The t-distribution is used in hypothesis testing and confidence intervals for the mean of a single population, or the difference in means between two populations.
  • The F-distribution is used in hypothesis testing and confidence intervals for the variance ratio of two populations.
  • While these distributions have some similarities, they are also distinct in their assumptions and applications.


The F-distribution may be a flexible likelihood distribution utilized in numerous areas, including statistics, fund, and designing. It is especially valuable in hypothesis testing and investigation of change, where it makes a difference in us deciding whether the variances or means of two or more populations are equal or significantly different. Understanding the F-distribution and its applications can improve our capacity to form educated choices in a wide extend of areas.

Key Takeaways

  • The F-distribution is additionally utilized in analysis of variance (ANOVA) to compare the means of three or more populaces.
  • The F-statistic for ANOVA is calculated by dividing the between-group fluctuation by the within-group fluctuation.
  • The degrees of freedom for the between-group fluctuation and the within-group fluctuation are based on the number of bunches and the sample sizes.
  • In case the F-statistic is more noteworthy than the critical esteem, at that point we can dismiss the null hypothesis and conclude that the means of the populaces are essentially diverse from each other.


1. What is the F-distribution used for? 

A) Testing the equality of population means 

B) Testing the equality of population variances 

C) Testing the normality of data 

D) Testing the independence of data 

Answer: B

2. How is the F-statistic calculated in the F-test? 

A) As the ratio of the sample means 

B) As the ratio of the sample variances 

C) As the difference between the sample means 

D) As the difference between the sample variances 

Answer: B

3. What is the critical value in an F-test based on? 

A) The sample size and number of groups being compared 

B) The degrees of freedom and significance level 

C) The sample variance of the first group 

D) The sample mean of the second group 

Answer: B

4. What is an assumption of the F-distribution? 

A) The data must be normally distributed 

B) The data must have a skewed distribution 

C) The variances of the populations being compared must be different 

D) The populations being compared must have the same mean Answer: A

Module 5: Probability DistributionsF Distribution: Properties, Applications, Examples

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