
Introduction to Supervised Learning

Last Updated: 22nd June, 2023


Supervised learning is a type of machine learning algorithm that uses a known set of input data and known responses to the data to predict future responses. Supervised learning algorithms can be used for both classification and regression tasks.

Definition of supervised learning

Supervised learning is a type of machine learning algorithm where a model is trained on a labeled dataset. This means that the dataset used for training contains both input data and the corresponding output data, which is also known as the target or label.

Dependent and Independent variables in ML

In supervised learning, we have a set of input-output pairs that are utilized to prepare the machine learning model. The input is called the independent variable or the feature, and the yield is called the dependent variable or the target. The model learns to anticipate the yield for a given input by analyzing the relationship between the independent and dependent variables within the training data.

We can see that we already have a dependent variable that is the output based on given features.

Industry Example of Supervised Learning

An industry illustration of supervised learning is within the field of fraud detection for financial transactions. In this case, the input information might be different highlights related with a money related exchange, such as the sum, area, sort of exchange, and time of day. The corresponding yield information would be whether the exchange is classified as false or not.

A supervised learning algorithm would then be trained on a labeled dataset, which contains a expansive number of chronicled financial transactions along side their particular names of whether they were fraudulent or not. The algorithm would utilize this information to learn the designs and characteristics that are related with false exchanges.

Once the algorithm is trained, it can be utilized to predict whether a unused financial transaction is likely to be false or not. Usually done by contributing the highlights of the new transaction into the demonstrate, and the show yields a anticipated name of whether the exchange is false or not.

This illustration appears how supervised learning can be utilized to automate the method of fraud detection in financial transactions, which can save companies time and money by detecting fraud more accurately and efficiently.

Types of supervised learning

  1. Classification: Classification is a type of supervised learning where the goal is to categorize data into distinct groups. Classification algorithms take a set of labelled data and attempt to predict the class of an unlabeled data point. Examples of classification algorithms include logistic regression, decision trees, support vector machines, and naive Bayes.
  2. Regression: Regression is a type of supervised learning where the goal is to predict a continuous outcome. Regression algorithms take a set of labelled data and attempt to approximate the relationship between the inputs and the outputs. Examples of regression algorithms include linear, polynomial, and support vector regression.

Applications of supervised learning

  1. Image Classification: Image classification is used for automated image tagging, for example by Facebook or Google Photos to detect objects in an image and automatically tag them.
  2. Speech Recognition: Speech recognition is used for automated voice command processing and understanding, such as with Apple's Siri or Amazon Alexa.
  3. Fraud Detection: Banks and payment services use supervised learning algorithms to detect suspicious activity on customer accounts and detect potentially fraudulent transactions.
  4. Medical Diagnosis: Supervised learning algorithms are used in healthcare to diagnose diseases based on patient data, such as symptoms, laboratory results, and medical images.
  5. Recommender Systems: Recommender systems are used to make personalized recommendations based on previous user data, such as in Netflix and Amazon.

Challenges in supervised learning

  1. Data Bias: Data bias is a phenomenon in which the data used in supervised learning systems is skewed or unrepresentative of the actual population. This can lead to incorrect results and inaccurate predictions.
  2. Imbalanced Datasets: An imbalanced dataset is one in which the number of samples from one class is significantly greater than the number of samples from other classes. This can lead to over-fitting and inaccurate results.
  3. Limited Labeled Data: Labeled data is data that has been labelled with the correct responses. Limited labelled data can lead to incorrect models and inaccurate predictions. Additionally, it can be difficult to obtain labelled data that is representative of the actual population.


After utilizing supervised learning algorithms to analyze their information, the company was able to form a prescient model which they seem utilize to form educated choices about their cars. This demonstrate permitted them to decide which highlights of their cars were most likely to lead to client fulfillment and victory. As a result, they were able to plan and deliver cars that met the wants of their clients, driving to expanded deals and productivity.

Key takeaways

  1. Supervised learning is a type of machine learning algorithm that uses labelled data to learn how to predict future outcomes.
  2. Supervised learning models can be used for both classification and regression tasks.
  3. Supervised learning algorithms require labelled data to learn from.
  4. Feature engineering is an important part of supervised learning, as the quality of the features used to train the model can greatly influence the accuracy of the model.
  5. Commonly used supervised learning algorithms include k-nearest neighbors, decision trees, linear regression, and support vector machines.


  1. In supervised learning, what is the process of using an algorithm to determine an output based on a set of given inputs? 
    1. Classification 
    2. Feature engineering 
    3. Regression 
    4. Clustering

Answer: a. Classification

  1. What type of supervised learning is used when the output variable is a real value, such as “dollars” or “weight”? 
    1. Classification 
    2. Feature engineering  
    3. Regression 
    4. Clustering

Answer: c. Regression

  1. What type of supervised learning is used when the output variable is a category, such as “red” or “blue”?
    1. Classification 
    2. Feature engineering  
    3. Regression 
    4. Clustering

Answer: a. Classification

  1. What is the process of extracting important characteristics from raw data to make it easier to understand and process? 
    1. Classification 
    2. Feature engineering 
    3. Regression 
    4. Clustering

Answer: b. Feature engineering

Module 3: Supervised LearningIntroduction to Supervised Learning

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