
Adding User Authentication to a Django Website

Last Updated: 13th October, 2023

User authentication is verifying a user's identity attempting to access a website or application. It involves validating the user's credentials, such as username and password, to ensure that they have the necessary permissions to access the requested resources.

User authentication is a critical aspect of web development, especially for applications that store sensitive data or perform actions on behalf of users. Without proper authentication, anyone could potentially access restricted content or perform actions on behalf of another user. User authentication helps ensure the security and privacy of user data by preventing unauthorized access.

Django provides a robust and customizable authentication system that can be easily integrated into web applications. The built-in authentication system includes features such as user registration, password management, and login/logout functionality. It also supports various authentication methods, including username/password authentication, email authentication, and social authentication through third-party providers such as Google and Facebook. Django's authentication system is highly configurable, allowing developers to customize its behavior to fit the specific needs of their application.

Setting Up Authentication

A. To create a new Django project, you can use the following command in your terminal:


This will create a new directory with the name **projectname** and the following files inside:


B. To create a new Django app, you can use the following command in your terminal:


This will create a new directory with the name **appname** and the following files inside:


C. To add authentication URLs to your Django project, you need to include the authentication URLs provided by Django's built-in authentication system in your **** file. You can do this by adding the following code to your **** file:


This will include the following authentication URLs:


D. To add authentication templates to your Django app, you need to create a **templates** directory inside your app directory, and then create the following subdirectories and files:


You can customize these templates to fit the design of your application.

E. Django's built-in authentication system comes with a User model that you can use to store user information. You can create a User model in your app's **** file by importing the **AbstractUser** class from **django.contrib.auth.models** and creating a new model that inherits from it. Here's an example:


This will create a new **CustomUser** model that inherits from **AbstractUser** and allows you to add custom fields and methods to the user model. You can then use this model in your app by configuring the **AUTH_USER_MODEL** setting in your project's **** file:


User Registration

To implement user registration in Django, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Create a registration form: Create a form using Django's form API that allows users to input their registration information, such as username, email, and password.
  2. Create a registration view: Create a view that handles the form submission and creates a new user in the database using Django's built-in authentication system.
  3. Create a registration template: Create a template that renders the registration form and allows users to submit it.
  4. Add the registration URLs: Add the URLs for the registration view to your project's URL configuration.
  5. Test the registration process: Test the registration process by filling out the registration form and verifying that a new user is created in the database.

Django provides a lot of built-in functionality to make the user registration process easier, such as built-in authentication views and forms. It also supports third-party packages that can add additional features like email verification and social authentication.

User Login

To implement user login in a Django project, you can use the built-in authentication views provided by Django's authentication system. Here's an overview of the steps involved:

  1. Create a login form template: In your app's **templates** directory, create a new template called **login.html**. This template will include a form for users to enter their login credentials.
  2. Create a login view: In your app's **** file, create a new view called **login_view**. This view will render the **login.html** template and handle the submission of the login form. Here's an example:

In this view, we first check if the form has been submitted (**request.method == 'POST'**). If it has, we validate the form using the **AuthenticationForm** provided by Django's authentication system. If the form is valid, we get the authenticated user using the **get_user()** method, log them in using the **login()** function, and redirect them to the homepage. If the form is not valid, we render the **login.html** template with the invalid form.

  • Create a login URL: In your app's **** file, create a new URL pattern for the login view. Here's an example:

In this URL pattern, we map the **/login/** URL to the **login_view** view and give it the name **login**.

  • Update the base template: In your app's base template (e.g. **base.html**), add a link to the login page. Here's an example:

In this template code, we check if the user is authenticated using the **user.is_authenticated** attribute. If they are not authenticated, we display a link to the login page using the **url** template tag and the **login** URL name we defined earlier. If they are authenticated, we display a link to the logout page (which we will create in the next step).

With these steps in place, users should be able to login to your Django app using their username and password. You can test the login functionality by visiting the **/login/** URL in your browser and entering valid login credentials. If the login is successful, you should be redirected to the homepage.

User Logout

In Django, user logout functionality can be easily implemented using the built-in **logout()** function provided by the authentication module. When a user logs out, their authentication session is destroyed, and they are redirected to the URL specified in the **LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL** setting in ****.

Here's an example of how to implement user logout in Django:

  • Import the **logout** function from the authentication module:
  • In your view function, call the **logout** function and redirect the user to the logout URL:

In the above code, **logout_view** is the view function that handles user logout. The **logout** function is called with the **request** object as an argument, which destroys the user's authentication session. After logout, the user is redirected to the URL specified in **logout_success_url**.

  • Add the URL pattern for the logout view in your app's **** file:

In the above code, a new URL pattern is added for the **logout** view. When the user visits the **/logout/** URL, the **logout_view** function is called.

  • In your project's **** file, specify the URL where the user should be redirected after logout:

In the above code, **home** is the name of the URL where the user should be redirected after logout. You can replace it with the name of the URL that you want to use.

With the above steps, you can easily implement user logout in your Django application.


In conclusion, user authentication is a vital aspect of web development that ensures the security and privacy of user data. Django provides a robust and customizable authentication system that can be easily integrated into web applications. The built-in authentication system includes features such as user registration, password management, and login/logout functionality. By following the steps outlined in this article, developers can set up authentication for their Django project and customize it to fit the specific needs of their application. Overall, Django's authentication system provides a reliable solution for developers to implement secure user authentication in their web applications.

Module 3: Working with Forms and User AuthenticationAdding User Authentication to a Django Website

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