
Create a form using Django Forms

Last Updated: 13th October, 2023

Forms play a crucial role in web development, especially in Django, as they enable users to interact with websites by submitting data. Forms allow users to input data, such as login credentials, contact information, search queries, or any other data required by the website.

In Django, forms provide a way to handle user input and validate it before processing it further. Django's form model provides a powerful way to define, validate and process form data, which saves time and effort in developing complex forms. By using forms, developers can reduce the amount of code needed to create and process form data and ensure that the data submitted by the user is valid and secure.

Moreover, Django provides a lot of built-in features for handling form data, including field types, validation rules, and form widgets. This allows developers to quickly and easily create complex forms that are both easy to use and secure.

Forms also enable efficient collaboration between front-end and back-end developers by separating the presentation of data from the data itself. With this separation of concerns, front-end developers can focus on designing and styling the form, while back-end developers can handle the data processing and validation.

Creating a Django Form

The Django form model is a powerful tool for creating and processing HTML forms. It is a Python class that inherits from Django's built-in forms.Form or forms.ModelForm class. The form model allows developers to define the fields of the form, specify validation rules, and customize the form's behavior.

Creating a Django form:

To create a Django form, first, you need to import Django's form module by adding from django import forms to your code. Then you need to define a class that inherits from forms.Form or forms.ModelForm, and define the fields that the form will contain. For example:


In this example, we have defined a contact form with three fields: name, email, and message.

Defining form fields:

In the Django form model, form fields are defined as class attributes. There are many types of form fields available in Django, such as CharField, EmailField, BooleanField, DateField, and many others. Each field has its own set of attributes that can be used to specify validation rules, help text, default values, and more.

Validating form data:

Django provides built-in form validation that allows you to define rules for each form field, such as required fields, minimum and maximum lengths, valid email addresses, and more. When a form is submitted, Django automatically validates the data and returns errors if any of the validation rules are not met. These errors can then be displayed to the user to correct the data.

Rendering the form in templates:

Once the form is defined, it can be rendered in a Django template using the form variable, which is created by instantiating the form class in the view function. For example:


In this example, we have defined a contact view function that handles both GET and POST requests. When the form is submitted, the view function creates an instance of the form with the submitted data and checks if it is valid. If the form is valid, the data can be processed. If the form is not valid, the errors can be displayed to the user. In the template, the form can be rendered using the {{ form }} template tag.

Form Widgets

Form widgets are used in Django to define the way form fields are rendered in HTML. Django provides a set of built-in form widgets for each form field type, which can be customized or extended as needed. Form widgets control how the form is displayed and how the user interacts with it.

Some common form widgets in Django include:

  • Text input: Allows the user to enter text or numbers into a single-line field. This is the default widget for CharField and other text fields.
  • Textarea: Allows the user to enter longer text or multiple lines into a larger field. This is the default widget for TextField.
  • Dropdown: Allows the user to select a single option from a list of choices. This is the default widget for ChoiceField and other fields that use a list of choices.
  • Radio buttons: Allows the user to select a single option from a list of choices, displayed as radio buttons. This is also the default widget for ChoiceField.
  • Checkboxes: Allows the user to select one or more options from a list of choices, displayed as checkboxes. This is the default widget for BooleanField and other fields that allow multiple selections.

Customizing form widgets:

Django provides several ways to customize form widgets. You can specify a widget for a form field by passing a widget argument to the field constructor. For example, to use a Textarea widget for a CharField, you can define the field like this:


You can also create custom widgets by subclassing the base widget class and defining the widget's rendering behavior. For example, to create a custom widget that displays a text input with a "placeholder" attribute, you can define the widget like this:


Then, you can use the custom widget in a form field like this:


In this example, we have defined a custom widget called PlaceholderInput that sets a "placeholder" attribute on the input field. We can use this widget to create form fields with placeholders for the name, email, and message fields in the contact form.

Using ModelForms

Django provides a shortcut for creating forms based on models called ModelForms. ModelForms allow you to create a form from a Django model, and they will automatically generate the fields and validation rules based on the model's attributes.

Here are the steps to create a ModelForm in Django:

  1. Import the forms module from django:
  1. Import the model you want to create a form for:
  1. Create a new form class that inherits from forms.ModelForm:

In this example, we've created a new form class called MyModelForm that inherits from forms.ModelForm. The Meta class specifies the model we want to use to generate the form and which fields we want to include in the form.

  1. Use the form in a view: To use the form in a view, you can create a new instance of the form and pass it to the template context:

In this example, we've created a new instance of the MyModelForm form and passed it to the my_template.html template context.

  1. Render the form in a template: To render the form in a template, you can use the form.as_p, form.as_table, or form.as_ul method:

In this example, we've rendered the form using the form.as_p method, which will generate a <p> element for each form field.


In conclusion, forms are an essential part of web development, and in Django, they play a crucial role in handling user input and validating it before processing it. Django's form model provides developers with a powerful tool for defining, validating, and processing form data, which saves time and effort in developing complex forms. With Django's built-in features for handling form data, developers can quickly and easily create complex forms that are both easy to use and secure. Additionally, forms enable efficient collaboration between front-end and back-end developers by separating the presentation of data from the data itself. Django provides many built-in form widgets that allow developers to customize the way form fields are rendered in HTML. Overall, Django's form model provides developers with a flexible and efficient way to handle form data in web applications.

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