
this keyword

Last Updated: 25th April, 2024


In JavaScript, the 'this' keyword refers to the object that is currently executing or calling the function. It is a way to access and manipulate the properties and methods of the object that called the function.

For example, imagine you have a function that is attached to a button on a web page. When you click the button, the function is called, and 'this' refers to the button object that was clicked.

Similarly, if you have an object with properties and methods, you can use the 'this' keyword to access those properties and methods from within the object's functions.

Importance of 'this' in JavaScript

The 'this' keyword is an important feature of JavaScript because it allows us to dynamically access and manipulate the properties and methods of the object that called the function.

Here are some of the key reasons why the 'this' keyword is important in JavaScript:

  1. Accessing object properties: When you have an object with properties and methods, you can use the 'this' keyword to access and manipulate those properties from within the object's functions.
  2. Reusability of code: By using the 'this' keyword, you can create functions that are reusable across different objects. The same function can be used to access and manipulate the properties of different objects, depending on which object calls the function.
  3. Contextual execution: The 'this' keyword allows us to execute functions in the context of the object that called them. This means that we can manipulate the object's properties and methods directly from within the function, without needing to pass in the object as an argument.
  4. Method chaining: The 'this' keyword is often used in method chaining, where you can call multiple methods on an object in a single line of code. This can make your code more concise and easier to read.

this in Different Contexts

The value of 'this' is determined at the runtime when the function is called or an object is instantiated. The context of execution of a function or a method can change dynamically depending on how it is called. There are different contexts in which 'this' can be determined:

  • Default/Global Context
  • Implicit binding
  • Explicit binding
  • Arrow Functions

Default binding of 'this'

When a function is called in the global scope, without any object reference, the 'this' keyword refers to the global window object. This is called default binding.


In the above example, the function 'greet' is called without any object reference, and hence 'this' refers to the global window object.

Implicit binding of 'this'

When a function is called as a method of an object, the 'this' keyword refers to the object itself. This is called implicit binding.


In the above example, the function 'greet' is called as a method of the 'person' object, and hence 'this' refers to the object 'person'.

Explicit binding of 'this'

We can also explicitly bind the value of 'this' using call(), apply(), and bind() methods. These methods allow us to call a function in a specific context by passing an object as an argument.


In the above example, we define a function 'greet' that logs a message using the 'this' keyword. We then create two objects 'person1' and 'person2'. We use the call() and apply() methods to bind the value of 'this' to the respective objects and call the function 'greet'. We also use the bind() method to create a new function 'greetJohn' that is bound to the object 'person1' and call it later.

Arrow functions and 'this'

Arrow functions behave differently than regular functions when it comes to 'this' binding. In an arrow function, 'this' always refers to the value of 'this' in the enclosing lexical scope, regardless of how it is called.


In the above example, we define an object 'person' with a method 'greet'. Inside the method, we define an arrow function 'message' that logs a message using the 'this' keyword. Since the arrow function is defined inside the method, it captures the value of 'this' from the enclosing lexical scope, which is the object 'person'.

Common pitfalls with 'this'

Understanding the behavior of 'this' in different contexts is essential to avoid some common pitfalls associated with it. Let's look at some examples.


In the above example, we define an object 'person' with a method 'greet'. We then assign the function 'greet' to a variable 'greet'. When we call the function 'greet', without any object reference, it results in a TypeError because 'this' is undefined in the global scope.


In the above example, we define an object 'person' with an arrow function 'greet'. Since arrow functions do not bind their own 'this' value, 'this' refers to the global window object, which does not have the property 'name'.

Best practices with 'this'

To avoid the pitfalls associated with 'this', it is recommended to follow some best practices:

  1. Always use strict mode in your code to prevent accidental creation of global variables and functions.
  1. Use arrow functions when you need to capture the value of 'this' from the enclosing lexical scope.
  1. Use call(), apply(), or bind() methods when you need to explicitly bind the value of 'this' to an object.
  1. Use 'self' or '_this' as a variable name to capture the value of 'this' in a closure.


In conclusion, the 'this' keyword in JavaScript is a powerful and versatile feature that plays a crucial role in determining the context of execution of a function or a method. Understanding its behavior and usage is essential to writing efficient and effective code. By following best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, we can leverage the full potential of 'this' in our JavaScript applications.

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