
HTTP Module in Node JS

Last Updated: 22nd June, 2023


In today's fast-paced world of technology, there's an increasing demand for web developers to create efficient and high-performing servers. One popular choice among developers is the use of the HTTP module in NodeJS for server-side development. In this article, we will explore the role of the HTTP module in server-side development, its main features, and how it stacks up against other server-side solutions. Let's dive right in!

The Role of the HTTP Module in Server-side Development:

The HTTP module plays a crucial role in server-side development with NodeJS, providing essential functionalities for creating and managing HTTP servers and clients. NodeJS, built on top of Google's V8 JavaScript engine, enables the HTTP module to offer a non-blocking, event-driven architecture that leads to better scalability and performance.

In essence, the HTTP module makes it easy for developers to build web applications by handling HTTP requests and responses, managing connections, and providing support for various HTTP methods (such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). By leveraging the HTTP module, developers can quickly create efficient and high-performing servers without the need for extensive setup or configuration.

Overview of the HTTP Module's Main Features

The HTTP module offers a wide range of features that streamline the process of building web servers. Some of the key features include:

  1. Creating HTTP server: The HTTP module allows you to create an HTTP server using the http.createServer() method. This method returns an instance of the http.Server class, which can listen for incoming requests and respond with the appropriate content.
  2. Creating HTTP client: The HTTP module offers the http.request() and http.get() methods for making HTTP requests to external servers. These methods return an instance of the http.ClientRequest class, which can be used to send and receive data from remote servers.
  3. Event-driven architecture: The HTTP module in Node.js follows an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. This means that the server and client objects use events to handle communication, allowing for efficient and scalable network applications.
  4. Request and response objects: The http.Server class emits a 'request' event whenever a new request is received. The event listener receives two arguments: the request object (http.IncomingMessage) and the response object (http.ServerResponse). These objects contain methods and properties to read and manipulate the request and response data, such as headers, status codes, and body content.
  5. Streaming data: The HTTP module supports streaming data for both requests and responses. This allows efficient handling of large files or continuous data streams without consuming excessive memory.
  6. Connection management: The HTTP module provides methods for managing server and client connections, such as setting timeouts, keep-alive settings, and connection pooling.
  7. HTTPS support: In addition to HTTP, the module provides support for HTTPS (secure HTTP) via the https module, which is built on top of the HTTP module. This enables the creation of secure servers and clients using SSL/TLS encryption.
  8. URL and query string parsing: Although not part of the HTTP module itself, Node.js includes the 'url' and 'querystring' modules, which can be used in conjunction with the HTTP module to parse and manipulate URLs and query strings in HTTP requests.

To start using the HTTP module, you need to require it in your code:

const http = require('http');

Comparison of the HTTP Module with Other Server-side Solutions:

The HTTP module in NodeJS competes with other server-side solutions like Express, Koa, and Hapi. Let's take a look at how they stack up against each other:

a. HTTP Module vs. Express: Express is a popular web framework built on top of the HTTP module. While the HTTP module offers a more minimalistic and lower-level approach to server-side development, Express provides a higher-level abstraction with additional features like middleware support, routing, and templating. For developers seeking simplicity and control, the HTTP module is a suitable choice; however, those looking for a more feature-rich and easier-to-use solution may prefer Express.

b. HTTP Module vs. Koa: Koa, developed by the team behind Express, is another web framework built on top of the HTTP module. Koa focuses on modern JavaScript features and a smaller footprint, offering a more modular and lightweight alternative to Express. While the HTTP module offers the most basic building blocks for server-side development, Koa provides a more expressive and flexible API with built-in support for async/await, which simplifies asynchronous code management. Developers who want to use modern JavaScript features and maintain a minimalistic setup may prefer Koa, whereas those who need the most fundamental control over server-side development might opt for the HTTP module.

c. HTTP Module vs. Hapi: Hapi is a powerful web framework that emphasizes configuration-driven development and a robust plugin system. Like Express and Koa, Hapi is built on top of the HTTP module, but it provides a more extensive set of features and tools, such as input validation, caching, and logging. For developers looking for a comprehensive server-side solution with a strong focus on maintainability and security, Hapi may be the preferred choice. However, those who require the most basic and low-level control over their server-side development should consider using the HTTP module.


In this lesson, we delved into the HTTP module in Node.js, its importance in server-side development, and its main features. We also compared it to other popular server-side solutions like Express, Koa, and Hapi. The HTTP module offers a solid foundation for creating efficient and high-performing servers, providing essential functionalities such as handling HTTP requests and responses, managing connections, and supporting various HTTP methods.

While the HTTP module serves as a powerful and minimalistic choice for server-side development, it is essential to weigh its offerings against other frameworks based on your specific project requirements, personal preferences, and development goals. By understanding the core concepts and capabilities of the HTTP module, you can make informed decisions about the most suitable server-side solution for your needs.

Module 5: Building an HTTP ServerHTTP Module in Node JS

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