
Attributes and Methods in Python

Last Updated: 29th February, 2024

Methods and attributes are central concepts within the object-oriented programming (OOP) worldview. OOP allows objects to interact and share data and behavior, making it easier to create and maintain complex softwaređŸ’». In Python, methods are functions associated with a specific object or class and are utilized to perform particular assignments. Attributes are data related to an object or class and can be used to store information or state.

What are Attributes and Methods?

Attributes in Python are variables that belong to an object and contain information about its properties and characteristics. They can be used to represent details or facts related to the object. Methods in Python are functions belonging to an object and are designed to perform actions or operations involving the object's attributes. Methods are defined as part of the class the object belongs to and are executed using instances of that particular class.

Attributes and methods are two core building blocks of object-oriented programming. They enable objects to have their own data and behavior, allowing them to model real-world entities and scenarios. By using attributes and methods, each object can have its unique characteristics and abilities. Nearly all modern programming languages support object-oriented programming and using attributes and methods. They have become a fundamental part of how software is designed and developed today.



In the example above, the Cat class has two attributes (Name and color) and one method (meow()). The name attribute holds the Name of the cat, and the color attribute holds the color of the cat. The meow() method prints a meow sound when it is called. The Cat class's attributes and method can be accessed using the dot ('.') operator. For example, will return the Name of the cat, and my_cat.meow() will call the meow() method and print the meow sound.

Types of Attributes and Methods


  1. Instance attributes: have values unique to each object instance of a class. Defined in the init constructor, they set an object's initial state. Instance attribute values can differ across instances of the same class and define each object's unique state.
  2. For example, a Dog class could have a "name" instance attribute with different values for each Dog object, like "Fido", "Lassie", or "Clifford". Each Dog would have a distinct name stored in its "name" attribute, allowing different Dog instances to have different states and properties.
  3. Class attributes: are shared by all class instances and defined outside its constructor. They represent characteristics of the entire class rather than individual objects. Class attributes have a single value shared by all instances, so changing the value impacts all instances equally.
  4. For example, a Dog class with num_legs = 4 would default give all Dog objects 4 legs. Changing um_legs = 3 later would make all existing and new Dog objects have 3 legs.
  5. Class attributes capture attributes inherent to and shared by all class members. They efficiently define and update characteristics applying uniformly to all objects of a type.


  1. Instance methods: are defined in a class and accessed through class instances. They operate on instance data and enable object behavior. For example, a Car class may have a brake() method to simulate braking. Instance methods bundle data and behavior, representing domain entities that can perform related actions. They empower reusability, abstraction, and measured quality, streamlining development and maintenance.
  2. Class Methods: Methods defined inside a class can be invoked from an instance of that class or from the class itself. Class methods have a place in a class instead of a specific class instance. They are associated with the class itself instead of with class instances. This implies that a class method can be explicitly called from the class without requiring to instantiate the class. Class methods are valuable for creating factory methods or performing some action related to the class as an entire instead of a particular occurrence. For illustration, a class method may well be utilized to form new class instances or perform a few initializations for the class.
  3. Static methods: belong to a class, not any instance. They can be called directly from the class or its instances. Static methods access static fields, not instance fields. They perform actions related to the class itself, not any instance. Examples include utility and factory methods. Static methods improve performance by avoiding object creation. However, they cannot access instance variables or methods since they operate on the class, not any instance.

How to Create and Use Attributes and Methods

Attributes and methods are two important concepts in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Attributes are characteristics of an object, while methods are functions that act on an object.

  • Creating Attributes

Attributes are defined within a class definition. To create an attribute, you use the following syntax:


In this example, attr_name is the attribute's Name, and attr_value is the attribute's value.

  • Creating Methods

Methods are defined within a class definition. To create a method, you use the following syntax:


In this example, method_name is the Name of the method, and parameters are the parameters required by the method.

  • Using Attributes and Methods

To use an attribute or method, you must first create an instance of the class. You can use the following syntax to create an instance of a class:


Once you have created an instance, you can access the attributes and methods of the class using the following syntax:


Advantages of Using Attributes and Methods

  • Attributes:
  1. Attributes are utilized to represent the state of an object.
  2. Attributes offer assistance to diminish the amount of code required to perform a certain assignment.
  3. Attributes offer assistance to way better in organizing the code and make it less demanding to read.
  4. Attributes permit less demanding maintenance and debugging of code.
  • Methods:
  1. Methods are utilized to perform particular errands inside a program.
  2. Methods offer assistance to keep the code organized and less demanding to read.
  3. Methods can be utilized to assist in reducing duplicate code.
  4. Methods are used to access and manipulate the information of a question.

Drawbacks of Utilizing Attributes and Methods

  1. Attributes and methods in Python can be troublesome to oversee in case they need to be organized appropriately.
  2. Attributes and methods can be troublesome to debug and keep up with in the event that they are not legitimately recorded.
  3. Attributes and methods can add extra complexity to the codebase, making it more troublesome to peruse and get it.
  4. If attributes and methods are not utilized viably, redundant code can be created, making the codebase more difficult to maintain.
  5. Excessive use of attributes and methods can moderate down the execution of the program.

Examples of Attributes and Methods in Python



  • Set Name: myObj.setName(“John”)
  • Get Age: myObj.getAge()

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Attributes and Methods

  1. AttributeError: 'ClassName' object has no attribute 'attributeName': This error occurs when the attribute being accessed does not exist in the class. Check to make sure the attribute has been defined.
  2. TypeError: 'methodName' takes X positional arguments, but Y was given: This error occurs when the wrong number of arguments are passed to a method. Check the method definition to make sure the correct number of arguments is being passed.

Best Practices for Working with Attributes and Methods

  1. Avoid using hard-coded values in your methods and classes. Instead, use constants or variables that can be easily changed.
  2. Make sure the names of your methods and attributes are meaningful and descriptive.
  3. Keep your methods and attributes as private as possible.
  4. Keep the number of parameters your methods accept to a minimum.
  5. When possible, use descriptive method names instead of providing comments.
  6. When creating attributes, use the appropriate data type.
  7. Avoid using global variables, as they can lead to unpredictable behavior.
  8. Use existing methods and attributes rather than create new ones when possible.
  9. Make use of access modifiers to restrict access to specific methods and attributes.
  10. When you need to change the value of an attribute, use setter methods.


In object-oriented programming (OOP), attributes are variables belonging to an object or class and containing information about their properties or characteristics. At the same time, methods are functions that belong to an object or class and are designed to perform actions involving the object's attributes. Attributes can be instances or class attributes, while methods can be instances, classes, or static methods. Using attributes and methods enables objects to đŸ€ interact with each other, model real-world entities and scenarios, and makeđŸ–„ïž software development more modular, reusable, and maintainable.

Key Takeaways

  1. Attributes in Python are variables associated with an object and are used to store data related to the object.
  2. Methods in Python are functions that are associated with an object, and they are used to perform operations on the object.
  3. It is essential to understand the differences between attributes and methods in Python, as they have different uses and properties.
  4. Attributes are usually used to store data associated with an object, while methods are used to perform actions on the object.
  5. Using meaningful names for attributes and methods in Python is essential, making your code easier to read and understand.


  1. What is the syntax for calling a method in Python? 
    1. function_name() 
    2. method_name() 
    3. object.method_name() 
    4. all of the above

Answer:d. all of the above

  1. What is the syntax for accessing an attribute in Python? 
    1. attribute_name() 
    2. object.attribute_name 
    3. object:attribute_name  
    4. attribute.object_name

Answer:b.  object.attribute_name

  1. When using the init() method, what is the name of the first argument that must be used? 
    1.  _self  
    2. self 
    3. init 
    4. constructor

Answer:b. self

  1. What is the purpose of the None keyword in Python? 
    1. To define a variable with no value 
    2. To end a loop  
    3. To define a function 
    4. To create an empty list

Answer:a. To define a variable with no value

Module 7: OOPs in PythonAttributes and Methods in Python

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