
Set Comprehension in Python

Last Updated: 22nd June, 2023


Set comprehension could be a way to form a new set from an iterable object, such as a list or a tuple. It can assist you in writing more expressive code đŸ’» and spare time 🕐. In this lesson, we'll jump deeper into set comprehension, covering its syntax 💬, how to utilize it, and a few best practices to take after 📜.

What is Set Comprehension?

Set comprehension may be a concise and capable way to make a new set based on an existing iterable object, such as a list, a tuple, or a run. It permits you to write code in a more expressive way 📝📝 and can spare you a lot of time and exertion.


Set comprehension has a simple and elegant syntax that consists of two parts:

  • new_set: the new set you want to create.
  • expression: an expression that defines the value of each element in the new set.
  • variable: a variable that takes each value in the iterable object.
  • iterable: an iterable object, such as a list, a tuple, or a range, that provides values for the variable.
  • condition (optional): a conditional statement that filters the elements in the iterable object.

The for loop and the if statement are the two fundamental building blocks of set comprehension. The for loop iterates over the iterable object 🔃, and the if statement filters the elements based on a condition.


Let's see some examples of set comprehension in action.

Creating a new set of squared values


In this example, we're creating a new set called squared_numbers that contains the squared values of the elements in the numbers list.

Filtering elements in a list


In this example, we're creating a new set called even_numbers that contains only the even numbers from the numbers list.

Using a set comprehension with strings


In this example, we're creating a new set called vowel_words that contains only the words from the words list that contain at least one vowel.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices to follow when using set comprehension in your code:

  • Please keep it simple: Set comprehension is meant to simplify your code, so avoid using complex expressions or nesting too many for loops.
  • Use meaningful variable names: Use variable names that convey the purpose of the variable so it's easier to understand what the set comprehension is doing.
  • Use curly braces to increase readability: Use curly braces to enclose the set comprehension so it's easier to distinguish from regular code.


Set comprehension is a powerful and elegant feature of Python that allows you to create new sets easily. It can help you write more concise and readable code 📝📝, saving you time and effort 🕙. By following best practices 📖📖 and using set comprehension effectively, you can make your Python code more efficient and expressive.

Key Takeaways

  • Set comprehension may be a concise and effective way to form a new set based on an existing iterable object, such as a list or a tuple.
  • The syntax for set comprehension comprises two parts: a new set and an expression that defines the value of each element within the set.
  • It can incorporate a variable that takes each value within the iterable object and a conditional statement that filters the elements.
  • Best practices include keeping it basic, utilizing significant variable names, and utilizing curly braces to extend meaningfulness.
  • Set comprehension may be a capable and exquisite highlight of Python that can assist you in writing more brief and readable code and spare you time and exertion.


  1. What is set comprehension in Python? 
    1. A way to create a new set based on an existing iterable object 
    2. A way to convert a list into a set  
    3. A way to modify an existing set  
    4. A way to create a new list

Answer: a. A way to create a new set based on an existing iterable object

  1. Which of the following is the syntax for set comprehension? 
    1. new_set = {expression for variable in iterable if condition} 
    2. new_set = {expression in variable for iterable if condition} 
    3. new_set = {expression for variable if iterable and condition} 
    4. new_set = {expression for variable in iterable while condition}

Answer: a. new_set = {expression for variable in iterable if condition}

  1. What does the 'if' statement do in set comprehension?  
    1. It defines the value of each element in the new set 
    2. It defines the variable that takes each value in the iterable object  
    3. It iterates over the iterable object  
    4. It filters the elements based on a condition

Answer: d. It filters the elements based on a condition

  1. Which of the following is an example of set comprehension that filters elements in a list? 
    1. {x**2 for x in numbers}  
    2. {x for x in numbers if x % 2 == 0} 
    3. {word for word in words if any(letter in vowels for letter in word)} 
    4. All of the above

Answer: b. {x for x in numbers if x % 2 == 0}

  1. What are some best practices to follow when using set comprehension in Python? 
    1. Keep it simple, use meaningful variable names, and use curly braces to increase readability 
    2. Use complex expressions, use short and obscure variable names, and use parentheses to enclose the set comprehension 
    3. Nest multiple for loops, use the same variable names for different purposes, and use square brackets to enclose the set comprehension 
    4. None of the above

Answer: a. Keep it simple, use meaningful variable names, and use curly braces to increase readability

Module 5: Comprehensions in PythonSet Comprehension in Python

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