
How to Use Props in React JS to Customize React Components

Last Updated: 18th October, 2023

Using props and configuring components are important because they allow for the creation of modular and reusable code. By passing data through props, components can be composed together to build complex UIs with a clear separation of concerns. Configuring components allows for the customization of behavior and presentation, making it possible to reuse the same component in different contexts with different configurations.

In summary, props and components are core concepts in React and other web development frameworks, and understanding how to use them effectively is crucial for creating maintainable and reusable code.

Working with Props

In React, props (short for properties) are a way to pass data from a parent component to a child component.

To pass props to a child component, you first need to define the prop in the parent component. This is typically done by adding an attribute to the child component element, with the value being the data you want to pass:

// Parent component
function ParentComponent() {
  const name = "John";
  return <ChildComponent name={name} />;

In the example above, the **name** variable is passed to the **ChildComponent** as a prop using the attribute **name={name}**.

In the child component, you can access the passed prop using the **props** object. For example, if we want to display the passed name prop in the child component:

// Child component
function ChildComponent(props) {
  return <p>Hello, {}!</p>;

In the example above, the **name** prop is accessed using ****.

You can also destructure the **props** object in the child component to access specific props:

// Child component with destructured props
function ChildComponent({ name }) {
  return <p>Hello, {name}!</p>;

In the example above, the **name** prop is destructured from the **props** object in the function signature.

Overall, passing props to components is a core concept in React, and it allows for the creation of reusable and composable components.

Configuring Components

In React, components can be configured in different ways depending on the specific use case. Here are some of the main configuration options:

  1. Props: As discussed earlier, props can be used to pass data and configuration options from a parent component to a child component.
  2. State: Components can have a state, which is used to store and manage data that can change over time. A state can be used to configure components by dynamically rendering different content based on the current state.
  3. Component lifecycle methods: React components have lifecycle methods that can be used to perform specific actions at different stages of the component's life cycle. For example, the **componentDidMount** method can be used to perform setup tasks after a component has been mounted to the DOM.
  4. Conditional rendering: Components can be conditionally rendered based on the values of certain props or state variables.

To configure components using props, you can pass configuration data to the component as props from the parent component. For example, if you have a **Button** component that can be configured with different colors, you could pass the color as a prop from the parent component:

function ParentComponent() {
  return (
      <Button color="red" />
      <Button color="green" />

function Button(props) {
  return <button style={{ backgroundColor: props.color }}>Click me!</button>;

In the example above, the **Button** component is configured with different colors by passing the **color** prop from the **ParentComponent**. The **Button** component uses the **color** prop to dynamically set the background color of the button.

Overall, configuring components is an essential concept in React, and it allows for the creation of reusable and flexible components.

Styling Components with Props

In React, you can use props to dynamically style components. This is useful when you want to create reusable components that can have different styles depending on their use case.

Here's an example of how to use props for styling components:

function Button(props) {
  const style = {
    backgroundColor: props.color,
    borderRadius: props.rounded ? '50px' : '0',
    padding: props.large ? '20px' : '10px',
    color: props.textColor || '#ffffff'
  return <button style={style}>{props.label}</button>;

In the example above, the **Button** component takes in four props:

  • **color**: the background color of the button
  • **rounded**: a boolean value indicating whether the button should have rounded corners
  • **large**: a boolean value indicating whether the button should be large
  • **textColor**: the color of the button's text

The **Button** component uses these props to dynamically set the styles of the button using a JavaScript object. For example, if the **color** prop is set to **'red'**, the background color of the button will be set to red.

By using props for styling components, you can create flexible and reusable components that can be used in different contexts with different styles. Additionally, by using JavaScript objects for styling, you can easily combine multiple style properties and values.


In conclusion, using props to configure and style components is an essential concept in React that allows for the creation of reusable and composable components. By passing data through props, components can be composed together to build complex UIs with a clear separation of concerns. Configuring components allows for the customization of behavior and presentation, making it possible to reuse the same component in different contexts with different configurations. Styling components with props is also a powerful tool that allows for the creation of flexible and reusable components that can be used in different contexts with different styles. Overall, understanding how to use props effectively is crucial for creating maintainable and reusable code in React and other web development frameworks.

Module 3: Working with React ComponentsHow to Use Props in React JS to Customize React Components

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