
ReactJS Components and Props

Last Updated: 17th October, 2023

React components and props are fundamental concepts in React, a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. React components are reusable, independent building blocks that encapsulate a specific functionality or feature of a user interface. Components can be thought of as the basic building blocks of a React application.

Props, short for properties, are input data that are passed to components. They are used to customize and configure components to render specific UI elements. Props are passed from parent components to child components and are read-only within the component. Props can be accessed within the component using the 'props' keyword and can be validated using PropTypes.

In summary, React components and props are essential building blocks for creating reusable and scalable user interfaces. Understanding these concepts is critical to developing React applications efficiently and effectively.

React Components

React components are the building blocks of a React application, allowing developers to create complex user interfaces by breaking them down into smaller, reusable pieces. Each component contains a certain functionality or feature, making management and maintenance easy. Components are divided into two types: functional and class, with functional components being stateless and class components being stateful.

Functional components are described as functions that accept props as input and return a React element. They are simpler and lighter than class components, making them perfect for simple UI elements like buttons or icons. Class components, on the other hand, are JavaScript classes that extend the React framework. Books are a component class. They can have an internal state, which allows them to manage and update their own data.

React components have a lifecycle, consisting of a series of methods that are called at specific points during the component's lifecycle. These methods can be used to initialize the state, update the state, or perform other actions during the component's lifecycle. Understanding the component lifecycle is essential to writing efficient and effective React code and we will study that in the next chapter.

In this example, we're defining a function called **MyFunctionalComponent**that takes in **props**as a parameter. The function returns a **div**element containing an **h1**heading and a **p**paragraph element. The value of the **name**prop is interpolated into the **h1**element using the curly braces **{}**.

import React from 'react';

function MyFunctionalComponent(props) {
  return (
      <h1>Hello, {}!</h1>
      <p>This is an example of a functional component in React.</p>

export default MyFunctionalComponent;

In the example below, we're defining a class component called **MyComponent**. The **render()** method of this component returns a **div** element containing an **h1** heading and a **p** paragraph element.

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class MyComponent extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
        <p>This is an example of a React component.</p>

export default MyComponent;

React components are a strong and adaptable tool for creating dependable and scalable user experiences. Developers may generate high-quality, maintainable, and plag-free code that satisfies the needs of their consumers by following best practices and sticking to the component lifecycle.

Props in React

In ReactJS, props are short for properties and are used to pass data from parent components to child components. They are read-only within the child component and are used to configure and customize the behavior and appearance of the component. Props are typically passed down the component tree, from higher-level parent components to lower-level child components.

When defining a component, props are defined as input parameters to the component. They are accessed within the component using the props object. Props can contain any type of data, including strings, numbers, objects, or even functions.

Props can also be used to trigger events or callbacks within the component. For example, a parent component might pass a callback function to a child component as a prop. When a specific event occurs within the child component, such as a button click, the child component can call the callback function, passing any necessary data back to the parent component.

Here's a simple example of how props work in React:

Suppose you have a parent component called **ParentComponent** and a child component called **ChildComponent**. The **ParentComponent** wants to pass some data to the **ChildComponent** using props.

First, you would define the **ChildComponent** with a parameter to accept the props:

function ChildComponent(props) {
  return <h1>{props.message}</h1>;

In this example, the **ChildComponent** takes in a single prop called **message**. When rendered, it displays the value of the **message** prop in an **h1** element.

Next, in the **ParentComponent**, you would pass the data to the **ChildComponent** as a prop:

function ParentComponent() {
  return <ChildComponent message="Hello, world!" />;

In this example, the **ParentComponent** is rendering the **ChildComponent** and passing the string "Hello, world!" as the value for the **message** prop.

When the **ChildComponent** is rendered within the **ParentComponent**, it will display the message passed down through the **message** prop.

This is a simple example of how props work in React. By passing data through props, you can easily customize and configure your components to display different information depending on the context in which they are used.

Best Practices for Components and Props

Here are some best practices to follow when working with React components and props:

  • Keep components small and focused: Components should be single-purpose and reusable. They should focus on a specific functionality or feature and avoid unnecessary complexity. This makes components easier to test, maintain, and reuse across the application.
  • Use descriptive and consistent naming conventions: Use descriptive and consistent naming conventions for components and props. This makes the code easier to read and understand, especially for new developers joining the project.
  • Use composition to combine multiple components: Composition is a powerful feature of React that allows developers to combine multiple components into a single UI element. This approach promotes code reuse, maintainability, and extensibility.
  • Optimize for performance: Performance is critical in React applications, especially for large or complex projects. Consider using techniques such as lazy loading, code splitting, and memoization to optimize the performance of your components.

By following these best practices, developers can create robust and scalable React applications that are easy to maintain and extend over time.


In conclusion, React components and props are essential concepts in building robust and scalable user interfaces using React. Components are reusable, independent blocks of UI that encapsulate specific functionality or features. Props, on the other hand, are input data passed to components that configure and customize their behavior and appearance. They are read-only within the component and are used to communicate data between parent and child components. Overall, React components and props are powerful tools for building dynamic and robust user interfaces. By following best practices and taking advantage of the React ecosystem, developers can create complex applications that are easy to maintain and scale.

Module 2: ReactJS FundamentalsReactJS Components and Props

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