
React JS Lifecycle and State Methods

Last Updated: 18th October, 2023

React State is a built-in feature of React that allows developers to store and manage data within a component. It represents the current condition of a component and can be used to modify or update the component's behavior or appearance.

Understanding React State is important for creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces in React. The state allows developers to create complex UI components that can change and adapt to user input or other events. By using State, developers can create a more responsive user interface that provides a better user experience.

Additionally, Lifecycle Methods are closely related to React State and are used to control the behavior of a component throughout its lifecycle. By understanding these methods, developers can optimize the performance of their React applications and ensure that they are using the full potential of React's rendering capabilities.

React States

In React, a state is a built-in object that stores and manages the dynamic data of a component. It represents the current condition of a component and can be used to control its behavior, render different content, and respond to user interaction. A state object can only be accessed within the component that defines it and can be modified by invoking the setState method.

Creating and Initializing State

To create and initialize a state in a React component, we need to define a constructor method that calls the super() method and initializes the state object. The state object should be an object literal with key-value pairs representing the initial state of the component. For example, we can define the state of a component with a counter value of 0 as follows:

class Counter extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      count: 0

Updating State

class Counter extends React.Component {
 constructor(props) {
   this.state = {
     count: 0
   this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
 handleClick() {
   this.setState({count: this.state.count + 1});
 render() {
   return (
       <p>Count: {this.state.count}</p>
       <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Increment</button>

Handling events using State

We can also use the state to handle events in a React component. For example, we can store the current value of text input in state and update it as the user types. Here is an example:

class TextInput extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      value: ''
    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
  handleChange(event) {
  render() {
    return (
        <input type="text" value={this.state.value} onChange={this.handleChange} />
        <p>You typed: {this.state.value}</p>

Component Lifecycle

The component lifecycle in ReactJS refers to the various stages that a component goes through from its creation to its destruction. Understanding these stages is crucial for creating efficient and optimized React applications.

There are three phases in a component's lifecycle: Mounting, Updating, and Unmounting.

  1. Mounting phase: This is the phase when the component is first created and added to the DOM. During this phase, the following methods are called in sequence: constructor(), static getDerivedStateFromProps(), render(), componentDidMount().
  2. Updating phase: This phase occurs when the component is updated with new data. During this phase, the following methods are called in sequence: static getDerivedStateFromProps(), shouldComponentUpdate(), render(), getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(), componentDidUpdate().
  3. Unmounting phase: This phase occurs when the component is removed from the DOM. During this phase, the following method is called: componentWillUnmount().

In addition to these methods, React also provides a few other lifecycle methods that allow developers to handle errors and update components during specific situations.

By utilizing the various lifecycle methods provided by React, developers can control the behavior of their components during different phases of their existence. This enables developers to optimize performance and efficiently manage state changes, leading to highly interactive and responsive user interfaces.

Lifecycle Methods

In React, Lifecycle Methods are a set of methods that are called at different stages of a component's life cycle. These methods allow developers to perform actions such as initializing the state, updating the UI, and cleaning up resources.

Mounting Lifecycle Methods:

Mounting Lifecycle Methods are called when an instance of a component is created and added to the DOM. The four methods that are called during this phase are:

  1. constructor(): This method is called first and is used to initialize the component's state and bind methods.
  2. static getDerivedStateFromProps(): This method is called after the constructor and is used to update the state based on changes in the props.
  3. render(): This method is called next and is used to generate the component's JSX.
  4. componentDidMount(): This method is called after the component is rendered in the DOM and is used to perform any side effects like fetching data from an API or manipulating the DOM.

Updating Lifecycle Methods:

Updating Lifecycle Methods are called when a component is updated due to changes in the state or props. The five methods that are called during this phase are:

  1. static getDerivedStateFromProps(): This method is called first and is used to update the state based on changes in the props.
  2. shouldComponentUpdate(): This method is called next and is used to determine if the component should update or not.
  3. render(): This method is called next and is used to generate the updated JSX.
  4. getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(): This method is called after render and is used to capture information about the DOM before it is updated.
  5. componentDidUpdate(): This method is called after the component is updated in the DOM and is used to perform any side effects like fetching data from an API or manipulating the DOM.

Unmounting Lifecycle Methods:

Unmounting Lifecycle Methods are called when a component is removed from the DOM. The one method that is called during this phase is:

  1. componentWillUnmount(): This method is called before the component is removed from the DOM and is used to clean up any resources that the component is using like event listeners or timers.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices to follow when working with React state and lifecycle methods:

  1. Keep state minimal: It is recommended to keep the state as minimal as possible and to only include the necessary data. This will help to reduce the complexity of the component and improve its performance.
  2. Avoid using props in state initialization: The initial state of a component should be set based on its own properties, rather than using the props directly in the state initialization. This can lead to unexpected results and can make the code difficult to understand.
  3. Use setState() method for updating state: The setState() method should always be used to update the state of a component. Directly modifying the state object can lead to unpredictable behavior and can cause bugs.
  4. Use functional setState() for dependent updates: When updating the state based on the previous state, the functional form of setState() should be used. This will ensure that the updates are applied correctly, even if they are batched together by React.
  5. Use shouldComponentUpdate() for performance optimization: The shouldComponentUpdate() method can be used to optimize the performance of a component by preventing unnecessary re-renders. It should be implemented carefully, considering the impact of the props and state changes on the component.


To conclude, React states and lifecycle methods are essential concepts that developers must understand to create effective and dynamic web applications. States are used to store data that changes over time, and React provides several methods to manage component updates, handle events, and mount and unmount components during their lifecycle.

By understanding the React component lifecycle, developers can optimize their application's performance, minimize unnecessary re-renders, and efficiently manage state changes. Additionally, by leveraging the component lifecycle methods and using states effectively, developers can create highly interactive and responsive user interfaces that provide a great user experience.

Overall, React states and lifecycle methods provide developers with powerful tools to create complex and dynamic web applications with ease.

Module 2: ReactJS FundamentalsReact JS Lifecycle and State Methods

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