ArrowsREWIND Our 2024 Journey

How AlmaBetter created an

IMPACT! Arrows

Despite being a fresher, AlmaBetter helped me become a skilled Data Analyst and get placed with a high package.

The Communication training with Utter was beneficial because soft skills are as necessary as technical skills. I immensely improved my Communication skills because of this collaboration.

Hey everyone, my name is Aniket Nichat, and I have completed my graduation in Electronics and Telecommunication from Amravati University in 2021. In the final year of college, I realized that I wanted to build a career in Data Science. Hence, I started looking for institutions that provide a Placement Guarantee with a robust curriculum. Fortunately, I came across AlmaBetter, and I secured a job offer from Lithium Urban Technology within a few weeks of the program commencement.

The primary reason for choosing AlmaBetter was the Pay After Placement model with a Placement Guarantee. Every young student needs the assurance that the hard work and money they invest get rewarded. AlmaBetter provides a risk-free environment with a robust curriculum that includes exciting features like One-on-one mentorship sessions and Capstone Projects.

The AlmaX Placement Drive is a well-designed drive with several exciting and helpful features. My favorites were the Mock Interviews and the Communication Training in Collaboration with Utter. Appearing in Multiple Mock Interviews boosted my confidence and prepared me for the interview. The Communication training with Utter was beneficial because soft skills are as necessary as technical skills. I immensely improved my Communication skills because of this collaboration.

The decision to join AlmaBetter came to me during my last year of college. In the crisis of covid, AlmaBetter played a crucial role in My life. In my opinion, Almabetter clarified that education is an instrument for sustainable development and that the concept of teaching and learning must be transformed.

Aniket Nichat
Data Analyst

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