Javed Ansari, a hard worker from a non-technical background, couldn’t build a career in the tech industry and was rejected by multiple companies until he decided to enroll in AlmaBetter’s Full Stack Web Development course. With the help of AlmaBetter’s robust curriculum, Javed secured a job at ZingHR. Let’s hear about his experience at AlmaBetter.
Hey everyone, my name is Javed Ansari, and I am from Rudrapur, Uttarakhand. I completed my bachelor’s in 2016 Mechanical Engineering, and I have also completed an MBA in Marketing Management. However, I always wanted to shift to the IT sector and was looking for platforms through which I could learn and build a successful tech career. Fortunately, I came across AlmaBetter.
The first thing I want to talk about is the Resume Building Sessions at AlmaBetter. These sessions benefitted me as I could build a crisp resume and understand which aspects needed to be highlighted. I was provided a template that helped me enhance my resume to catch the recruiter's attention and crack the job interview.
Another unique and beneficial feature of AlmaBetter is the well-structured curriculum. When I started my journey, I had no idea about any programming languages as I am not from a technical background. However, with AlmaBetter, I was able to learn from scratch. For anyone looking for a platform where they can learn everything from fundamentals to advanced concepts in a structured environment, AlmaBetter is the perfect place.
AlmaBetter is an excellent platform if you are looking for a place to have a robust learning experience. My only suggestion is if you are hard-working and consistent, AlmaBetter will help you learn Web Development and build a successful, high-growth career.
Javed Ansari, a hard worker from a non-technical background, couldn’t build a career in the tech industry and was rejected by multiple companies until he decided to enroll in AlmaBetter’s Full Stack Web Development course. With the help of AlmaBetter’s robust curriculum, Javed secured a job at ZingHR. Let’s hear about his experience at AlmaBetter.
Hey everyone, my name is Javed Ansari, and I am from Rudrapur, Uttarakhand. I completed my bachelor’s in 2016 Mechanical Engineering, and I have also completed an MBA in Marketing Management. However, I always wanted to shift to the IT sector and was looking for platforms through which I could learn and build a successful tech career. Fortunately, I came across AlmaBetter.
The first thing I want to talk about is the Resume Building Sessions at AlmaBetter. These sessions benefitted me as I could build a crisp resume and understand which aspects needed to be highlighted. I was provided a template that helped me enhance my resume to catch the recruiter's attention and crack the job interview.
Another unique and beneficial feature of AlmaBetter is the well-structured curriculum. When I started my journey, I had no idea about any programming languages as I am not from a technical background. However, with AlmaBetter, I was able to learn from scratch. For anyone looking for a platform where they can learn everything from fundamentals to advanced concepts in a structured environment, AlmaBetter is the perfect place.
AlmaBetter is an excellent platform if you are looking for a place to have a robust learning experience. My only suggestion is if you are hard-working and consistent, AlmaBetter will help you learn Web Development and build a successful, high-growth career.
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