
AlmaBetter is providing the opportunity we are looking for.

AlmaBetter provides several fantastic features, and since I joined AlmaBetter, I have learned and changed a lot as a professional.

Hey everyone, my name is Keshav Sharma, and I hold a bachelor’s degree in computer science and engineering from Uttrakhand Technical University. I was interested in learning more about data science and building a career in this fascinating field. I was looking for options available online and fortunately came across AlmaBetter. I was impressed by the risk-free approach taken by AlmaBetter and decided to enroll in the Full Stack Data Science Program. I secured a job offer from NxtWave Disruptive Technologies within 32 weeks of the program’s commencement.

AlmaBetter provides several fantastic features, and since I joined AlmaBetter, I have learned and changed a lot as a professional. My time at AlmaBetter was delightful, and I enjoyed features such as resume and profile-building sessions with the help of industry experts.

The best part about AlmaBetter was the constant support throughout the journey. I was always hardworking and dedicated to learning, but all that was going to waste until I enrolled in AlmaBetter’s program. I can say with confidence that AlmaBetter steered me in the right direction.

Another thing that impressed me was the well-structured curriculum. I was able to learn from scratch because of this robust and well-designed curriculum. Other than that, SSP is special for me because I got selected and learned a lot about data science through this program.

I would suggest all data science aspirants join AlmaBetter’s Full Stack Data Science program if they are interested in building a career in this field and are ready to work hard. AlmaBetter is providing the opportunity we are looking for.

Keshav Sharma
Data Analyst

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