
AlmaBetter stands for disciplined learning.

"Mock interviews are great because you get honest, detailed, and timely feedback from industry experts."

Shubhankit Sirvaiya secured a pre-placement offer from Accenture AI within 20 weeks of the program commencement. Let's hear what Shubhankit has to say about his experience at AlmaBetter.

Hey everyone, my name is Shubhankit Sirvaiya. I am from a small town in Madhya Pradesh, and I graduated from NIT Jaipur in 2020, where I completed my studies in metallurgical and material science engineering. I was pretty fascinated by the power Data Science holds and the possibilities it promises in Business advancement.

I tried multiple resources for my studies, online courses, certifications YouTube videos, but they don't provide that much information. Most content on YouTube is in parts on different channels, and continuation is not there, and other courses also seem like they only have to sell you the product. AlmaBetter, on the other hand, provides you risk-free learning, plus they want you to succeed as their success depends on your success.

Proper planning and in-depth learning make AlmaBetter’s curriculum stand out. They analyze the right time for each topic and plan it accordingly. AlmaBetter conducts daily assignments, which may take from 20 mins to 2 hrs and you get a subjective review of that, which is a great thing. It is helpful for both consistency and revision, plus hands-on practice boosts your confidence. I don't think there is any other course that asks you to solve the statistical questions on pen and paper in the assignments.

AlmaBetter's curriculum also includes fun and valuable learning elements like Capstone Projects, one-on-one mentorship sessions, and AMA Sessions. Capstone projects are great, and enough time is given to explore different techniques. Projects are well-formed and planned. It's a good thing that you are evaluated on many aspects, presentation, code, GitHub because after doing all these, explaining the project becomes easy. It also shows you the practical application of whatever you have learned. Mentorship Sessions are the most significant gems of this program. I have personally found them the most helpful element of the program. You get honest feedback from mentors across the industry, which helps you work on your weaknesses and allows you to revisit the topics. AMA sessions are beneficial. It's good to talk to an industry leader over weekends. It’s a light activity that helps you know what is going on in the industry.

AlmaBetter prepares students for the job interview with multiple mock interviews. Mock interviews are great because you get honest and detailed feedback from an Industry Expert. Also, you learn some behavioral and communication values in the mock interviews. If you give 2 to 3 interviews every week during your preparation, you will be more confident during your actual interviews.

AlmaBetter stands for "Disciplined Learning."

I joined AlmaBetter In May 2021, and I would say personally, it has taught me the importance of hard work. AlmaBetter helped me understand the value of Patience and commitment in life. Also, I connected with great people, mentors, and fellow learners through AlmaBetter.

Shubhankit Sirvaiya

Shubhankit Sirvaiya
Data Scientist

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